Part of the Cockatoo (Cacatuidae) branch of the parrot family, the galah is a fairly large bird common in Australia. Their pink, grey and white plumage makes them an attractive bird, and it is quite striking when you see large flocks together, especially when they are on the wing and hundreds are wheeling across the sky together.
Curious and intelligent, these birds are able to mimic many other bird calls, animals and people. Because of this ability and their propensity for talking they have been popular pets in the past, though you do not see many in captivity these days.
Their diet is a mix of grain, seeds, nuts and grubs which they hunt by hopping along rotten branches and chewing their way through them. Natures pruning shears. Their habitat is therefore the open grass plains and sparse woodlands. This has enabled them to flourish as we cleared more area for farming.