photo taken by @cekmail
This is a heart-stopping photographic image (walang sangit). This photography is very amateurish for a reliable photographer.
But it does not matter because to advance steemit flatform it takes hard work itself and not the result of plagiarism, every result of its own work is very different that is already professional because amateur photographers are decorated for professional photographers.
Here to note is the spirit of the amateur photographer or the beginner who is not embarrassed with his work though not perfect, of course the answer to advance steemit.
therefore maklumin wrote what is its shortcomings, his name is also a beginner in steemit.
photo taken by @cekmail
Inilah photography walang sangit yang menyayat hati karena ke amatiran si fotografernya.
Tapi tak jadi masalah karena untuk memajukan flatform steemit diperlukan hasil karya sendiri dan setiap hasil karyya sendiri itu berbeda beda karena yang amatiran adalah penghias bagi si profesional.
Disino yang patut dicontoh adalah semangat si amatiran yang tak malu akan karyanya walaupun belum sempurna, maklumin saja namanya juga pemula.