Hi dear blog readers,
in this article I want to present you the very funny cat by @lex030 & @kathybell, called "Brummi" - This cat is really Garfield in real life! 😄
"What? Are you talking about me man? What´s up here???"🐱
He is a vvvvveeeeerrrryyyy relaxed male cat, you can believe me that he is not only just looking like Garfield in real life guys, he is only chilling all the day and he only moves to eat something & sometimes he is really walking some meters, but just to dump down to the floor ground (relaxing again) after around 3 meters... 😆
"Come on, just let me sleep guys..."
Because he is REALLY chilling all the day 24/7, I thought maybe he will be happy to get a little photo model job, but he seems not to be motivated to pose for the camera ssssoooo much: 🐱
"Ok just one shot, but let me sleep after the photo ok?" 😼
But then it really happened, he really got up and I was able to take this shot here 😁:
"Only this one more photo and then don´t disturbe my valuable beauty sleep anymore!!!" 😾😾😾
If you want to see more funny photos & videos of Brummi, just visit his own Steemit profile @filou, where he is very active when a mobile device is in his reach! 🐱😂👍
Best regards from Berlin and hear you in my next article!
Jonas Ahrens @future24
Badgets by steemitboard.com
- Thanks to @arcange!
Awww so cute.....
First look gives the impression that he is stoned....lol
Does he like lasagne as well lol? :)
Haha I think he would eat it yes, xD
Die ist ja wirklich süß, die könnte ich mir gut im Film vorstellen :-) Die hat echt Potenzial :-)
Ja Brummi wäre echt perfekt für einen Garfield Film geeignet, den muss man mal in Hollywood vorstellen. :-D 👍
Brummi nice name
Very funny cat. He really looks very much like Garfield. Animals make our world - kinder. Good luck to you.
Yes Brummi is really funny and its never boring to watch his stuff. 😸👍
Hehe .... so funny and also so cute...Love the way how she changes the emotions in every other pic/.
Just a pure loVe...
I like the last picture more - is this a wig was put on a cat head? Anyway - a good sense of humor!
But the more liked is the expression of his muzzle - seems, that he'd realized, that he has now been loaded with a some huge burden and now he will have to be dragging this "Sisyphus stone" :)) So I'm even feeling a little sadness about this cat )
very funny this face.
Haha yes xD
Good post,
Upvote back
nice post ...
please upvote my poat
so cute sir, love your cat.
Wow! Cute cat👌
Following you for more...Please visit my profile hope you like my photography ...@shoot 👍
He doesn't look at all pleased in the last photo lol :)
Hahaha 😂