
I aim to educate mainly those who are just starting out in photography. (That's why it is Photography-101.) There is always plenty of information for the advanced photographer, but not much for the beginner. The beginners tend to get a bit intimidated by equipment and technical talk! I started Photography-101 to help those who want to shoot their own images for Steemit, but are not sure about how to go about it. Sure, a bird photographer will get great shots that could be printed as wall art. But the aim on here is to get images that are good enough for the web at 72dpi, and it doesn't need expensive equipment to do that. Your post is just at the right level for that. Thanks! ;-)

Glad to hear it, thank you. What I should have talked about is the reason for walking around with a single lens in the first place. It's kind of an exercise that forces you to work a lot harder for your shots, but may pay off in more creative thinking.

With a zoom lens, you may tend to zoom in and out, frame the shot, go 'click' and move on. With a prime lens, nothing is that easy. You have to zoom with your feet and that leads to trying different angles... from the left, what about from over here? I feel it enforces creative thinking and problem-solving.

I agree. I can't hold my camera very steady without a tripod these days, and to be honest, I have always hated tripods except for certain things like long exposures etc. So, I often get camera shake with my larger lenses (not enough to notice on Steemit, but enough to rule out an image being used as stock.) I tend to grab my camera with my 1.4 50mm prime lens, and zoom with my feet! I have gone on overseas trips where it has been my only lens with me!