Where is the title of this post in furs it’s been a while since I posted in the hive block chain. The reason for that is we really haven’t been fostering too much with our busy schedules. However, we stumbled across some kittens that were being given away at a grocery store and we could not pass up the opportunity to get these kittens a better life.
The people giving away the kittens were doing their best but they were giving them away for free and they had them in a Tupperware container. We offered to take all of them explaining that we could foster them, get them fixed and find homes for them. After getting the kids home we realized they were very friendly and playful.
Little kittens that are playful Are super easy to adopt. We did a basic physical exam and got them scheduled to get fixed the next day!
This might’ve been our easiest foster as we only had him for 24 hours. We also got word that all of them were already adopted to forever homes.
We were super pumped that we were able to get these guys and turn them around so quick. That’s never happened for us.
Love this post and we LOVE what you all do for kits in need.!
Sammi Jo does a foster momma rescue from time to time also...

Our latest Rescue...
See The Lil' Guy's rescue video here.