43 Epic Animal Photos

Animalphotography photography contest winners

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"Flamingos Of Laguna Hedionda (Also Known As Stinky Lagoon)"
by @bradfordtennyson

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"Welcome to the world of the northern seas!"
by @mirkmarvel

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"Unter Wasser im Roten Meer- Olympus Tough Stylus TG-4 / Underwater in the Red Sea - Olympus Tough Stylus TG-4"
by @kuchenkruemel

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"Honey bee on a chamomile"
by @boddhisattva

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by @abdullahzahid

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"Coming in for a landing...."
by @jfolkmann

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"Captive hero in his own dream."
by @marius19

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"Happy Woofday!"
by @gardeningchef

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"Puppy is trying to escape"
by @garokee

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"Tokyo Japan Owl Cafe for Owl Lovers - Travel Photo Log"
by @alvinphang

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"Famous phrases on animals. My Photos.Cats, dogs, butterflies (Photos by sard @rt)"
by @sardrt

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"Zebra Dove"
by @funtraveller

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by @jogo

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"Curious and Cute Critters!"
by @devi1714

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"Beautiful animals macro photography"
by @mila00

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"It Ain't Easy Being Green"
by @driptorchpress

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"Animal - Rainbow Lorikeet"
by @betterthanhome

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"Bird on a fence post, horses in a paddock"
by @atnicholson

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"Seven day black and white challenge - Day 2, Swan"
by @winmental

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"Caturday Paw-sitivity! (pic heavy)"
by @shoogie

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"Two Birds Chatting Each-other Up"
by @fisherck

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"The Last Mountain Caribou"
by @intrepidphotos

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by @nurzahri

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"White Lions"
by @byronviljoen

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"Grumpy Little Owl - Animal Photography"
by @domioanna

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by @marta40

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"Black & White Photo Challenge Day 4"
by @bokeh

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"Animal Photography Contest @photocontests" by @alexabbottphoto

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"📷 Night Heron - #AnimalPhotography" by @shieha

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by @axeman

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"Tora and Nero - the happy boxers"
by @catalincernat

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"Daily photography contest - Monday: animalphotography - Griffon Vulture by @oscarps PhotoEdits" by @oscarps

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"Camels on Beach in Port Macquarie, Australia"
by @jpphotography

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"It is a cold cold day.."
by @ewkaw

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"Graceful pelicans. Animal photography contest."
by @lazyphotoshooter

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"Black & White Photo Challenge Day 6"
by @stresskiller

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"It’s no fun…"
by @pixelfan

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"Animal photography"
by @asechkina

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"Photocontests monday: animalphotography"
by @wnfdiary

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"MyFotografie #6 create by @janina86" by @janina86

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"Animal photography — Strictly for food"
by @nenio

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"Animalphotography Photo Contest initiated by @juliank and @photocontests. - Birds park, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia." by @ginga

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"A lizard at the Bioparco in Rome - Animal photography [IT/EN]"
by @onicreative

Congratulations all winners with your shared prize pool of 5.0 Steem and 1000 XP!

Let me know below which photo(s) you liked the most.

Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and portraitphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography

These contests are curated and sponsored by @juliank

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How! natural looking, all the birds make me inspired for creative focus, here both child on horse greatly focus @photocontests

So many awesome animal photos ... it's getting really hard to compete! My favourites are Coming in for a landing....by @jfolkmann, Camels on Beach in Port Macquarie, Australia by @jpphotography because they're in my neighbourhood (well just a couple of hours drive anyway), Griffon Vulture by @oscarps (stunning!), and I just have to include Strictly for food by @nenio for its comedic value alone.

Haha nice picks, and I agree on the photo by @nenio. Could not let that one out!

yes i agree about that guy @nunio 's work ..

So have you also seen the Camels in Port Macquarie? Camels on a beach in Australia are such a weird thing to see that I would probably still think that they were some kind of Fata Morgana if it wasn't for my photo haha

Saw them a long time ago. I've also seen many wild camels in the outback during my travels through the desert. Apparently, Australia now has the only wild populations of camels anywhere in the world.

I heard about that - crazy, right? I actually also saw some camels in the outback as well!

So many great entries, yet again!

Wow. They're all good, but the one that brought a smile to my face was "Happy Woofday!"by @gardeningchef. The old tug of war with the dog that wants to chase the toy, but won't give it up :-D

Glad you liked it @kunschj :)

He is relentlessly excited when his toys come out to play. We play tug of war until my arms get sore!!

I like the first photo ;)

You have made 5 comments today in one of my 52 photography hashtags and received a 1 percent upvote for your effort!

>Learn more here<

Love it that's one cool dude...by @nenio Strictly for food"

You have made 5 comments today in one of my 52 photography hashtags and received a 1 percent upvote for your effort!

>Learn more here<

Thank you Sir !!

this is my favorite profile on steemit. So much quality. Thanks @juliank for making it

Beautiful photos, I love nature photos

Nature is really wonderful. I hope we stop causing you so much damage with our so-called technology. Luck and thanks great project that they carry out hopefully someday stars one of their articles.

they are all impressive. thats one of my favorite categories.

If I had to pick a few it would be....@catalincernat, @devi1714 and @bradfordtennyson

Thanks so much!

Nice photos at all. Congratulations to all winners!

You work is very great to making a contest.

Thanks :)

Nice photo

Great photos! I like the honey bee by @boddhisattva. That is a remind for us to keep and eye open for the honey bees death and extinction. Such a small insect, that if extincted would cause a big problem for humanity.

Wow that's a great photography really awesome.....

Awww this is so exciting! Thats my cat Anubis up there... Hes a super photogenic kitty and loves the spotlight. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by to enjoy and comment everyones photos. Though I'm partial to my little man, the rest are certainly just as stunning! Grats to winners.

What an awesome planet we live in. I can't imagine what life on other plantes is like!

Thi is cool selection! Thanks for choosing my work 8)


Congratulations to all winners!

i love the photo of @oscarps, the volture!

All the photos are amazing and adorable! Especially the 2 monkeys by @nurzahri. The hugs are full of love and makes my heart feel warm :)

What a awesome show of animals great selection my pick because so detailed is .... "Beautiful animals macro photography"
by @mila00

Thank you for choosing my work.
Very nice selection, congratulation to all winners.

Definitely cute awesome capture..... "Curious and Cute Critters!"
by @devi1714

Congratulations to all winners!

And I was impressed by parrots!
@betterthanhome , can you, please, tell where did you take this photo?

i always love good photography especially when it comes to animals and nature ..

this photo of mine has made one entry at this post, i'm a beginner and i used a middle-end camera phone.

Have a Merry Xmas to all Christians around the universe, and a Happy New Year to all.

They are all so beautiful. I like the one with the dog chewing on the rope

Thanks a lot @juliank and @photocontests. Congratulats all the winners and participants.

"A lizard at the Bioparco in Rome - Animal photography [IT/EN]"
My favorites: "Flamingos Of Laguna Hedionda (Also Known As Stinky Lagoon)"by @bradfordtennyson by @onicreative

Adorable ❤️ I really love animals!
One of my favorites is the cuddling capture in
by @nurzahri

Thank you for the feature! I appreciate it! Some amazing work here.

Nice collection. "Grumpy Little Owl - Animal Photography" by @domioanna is my favorite! :)

WOW, so many talented photographers. Mind blowing. I wouldn't even think of submitting something. I'll be content in just sitting back and enjoying the view.

"MONKEY POPULATION" by @nurzahri - so sad but so beautiful!

Congratulations to the winners :D

This dog from @nenio should make account on Steemit.

Thanks for the rating of my underwater photos and a best wishes..... romy @kuchenkruemel

Thanks @photocontests for picking my photo as a winner! And to everyone for the lovely comments on it :)

All are super cute but I liked the "Welcome to the world of the northern seas!" by @mirkmarvel

amazing photos showing the beauty of nature once again. Congrats to all the winners really awesome photos!


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Very expressive animal portraits

good art, nice photos

So many nice pictures.

Tolles flamingobild. Das sind so seltsame Tiere!

Yso awesome animals ;) all the pictures are detailed and perfect

Such a great vareity of wildlife and pets =D

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