
Better to provide a link otherwise it looks like plagiarism. By the way I see you are a strong activist for animal free nutrition. I would like to know what do you eat. Maybe you can talk about it one day?

Well, thanks for your suggestion but none of these images obligate me for any attribution. I really don't care if it looks like plagiarism. Sometimes I do provide attribution as you can see in my recent post but it depends entirely on my mood 😜.

Regarding nutrition, I don't have any special diet. I eat whatever is available in the season. I'm not too much into recipes but I did give it a try once:

What's A Salad? A Complete Meal Or A Part Of It???.

But if you are looking for some really delicious and mouth-watering recipes, you can check several vegan food bloggers and You Tubers out there. Thank you for your interest!

Your salad or what ever you call it looks good and I am sure it is nutritious and tastes well.