Of late I came across several posts encouraging and helping readers to quit smoking forever. Similarly, I also bumped into a few posts from the people who were sharing their experiences having recently quit eating non-veg and embarrassed veganism. I was wondering which act was more preferable if I had to choose one.
Would it be right for a non-smoking non-vegetarian to advise a vegan smoker to quit smoking?
Or should it be other way round …a vegan smoker advising others to quit consuming animal products?
Well, I know two wrongs do not make it right in this case but which one is the lesser evil of these? I’m trying to delve into this today.
Why do cigarettes sound more of a villain than meat, milk or cheese?
Tobacco chewing as well as smoking has been associated with cancer for long. Although tobacco is a known carcinogen, smoking was more on a receiving end than chewing. Cigarettes were mandated to carry a legal warning such as Smoking is injurious to health in several countries whereas tobacco chewing was subjected to this law much later. So general public is much aware of the dangers of smoking than chewing. Most people can easily cough out figures like 10 million people die every year due to smoking cigarettes. But hardly anyone knows about the mortality figures due to chewing tobacco.
On the contrary, animal products like eggs, chicken, meat, dairy etc. do not come with any such legal warning and are mostly sold as generic stuff. Forget about the mortality figures on account of consuming these, most people don’t even know, how much harmful are these products. For the start, did you know that W.H.O. has labeled them as carcinogenic? Let’s explore further.
How Dangerous are Meat and Dairy vis-a-vis Smoking?
A couple of years back when World Health Organization broke this radical report, the world media was quite confused in how to report it as majority of their customers were meat eaters. So the news reports tried to be as soft and liberal as possible. Some even went defensive about eating meat. But following reports would be worth a glance:
Bacon, Hot Dogs, and Processed Meats Cause Cancer, WHO Says
While previous studies have suggested associations between meat and cancer, none has gone as far as the WHO’s latest findings to establish a direct causality.
Government guidelines introduced in 2011 recommend that adults eat no more than 70g of red or processed meat each day.
But this is too high, according to the WHO’s announcement today and the Government may now revise it down.
Officials said just 50g of processed meat a day – less than one sausage – increases the risk of bowel cancer by almost a fifth.
Processed meats rank alongside smoking as cancer causes – WHO
The decision from the IARC, after a year of deliberations by international scientists, will be welcomed by cancer researchers but it triggered an immediate and furious response from the industry, and the scientists it funds, who rejected any comparison between cigarettes and meat.
So despite the heavy weight corporate lobby behind meat & dairy industry, truth keeps surfacing time and again. To better understand the scenario, a small video from Nutrition Facts is worth watching:
Business Conspiracy of Hiding Truth Due to Conflict of Interest
Meat & Dairy industry have always tried to conceal the cruelty, violence and truth behind animal farming for the sake of their business interest. Tobacco & alcohol industry are not untouched by it. If you have watched the above video, you must have got some idea about how Phillip Morris tried to hide the ill-effects of dairy products on our health after it purchased a dairy business. If you will watch the video below, you will come to know how in 1954, tobacco industry paid to publish a report named “Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers” in hundreds of newspapers. And what all corporates do to conceal life-threatening information from consumers for the sake of their business profit:
So when businesses are concerned only with their money over the morality & ethics, governments & policymakers are sold out through strong lobbying and election funding by corporate houses, scientists are employed in the researches funded by corporates, who do you believe to? In these era, customers need to be extra cautious to look for unbiased information from independent sources before biting on the information spoon-fed to them.
What The Health

This is the name of a revealing documentary where the filmmaker interviews the key institutions responsible for public health and seek to find the reasons that compel them to cover significant public health risk which is imminent due to consumption of animal products. I’d strongly recommend to watch it if you are really concerned about the truth and your own health.
There is no dearth of peer-reviewed researches that can clearly indicate the association of fatal lifestyle diseases with the consumption of egg, dairy and meat products. You may also like to look for the list of research papers and news at the What The Health website. Some of the facts mentioned there:
Beside Health, There is More Reason to Quit Animal Products

It’s an established fact by now that smoking is injurious to the health of the smoker. But consuming egg, dairy and meat is injurious to not only your health but it’s fatal (to say the least) from whose body these products are being derived. Animal products not only take lives of billions of animals every year but keep them captive in the cruellest conditions you can imagine, throughout their lives before being brutally slaughtered. Is it not enough to quit consuming their body parts? Hang on, there is more.
Passive Smoking / Second Hand Smoking vs. Second Hand Eating
In one of my previous articles, I had mentioned about the issue of Second hand Eating. The adverse impact of second hand eating are far more than second hand smoking. Since tobacco is completely plant based produce, second hand smoking only contributes negatively by introducing some air pollutants in the environment. But second hand eating contributes to a wide range of serious issues nagging our very sustenance like de-forestation, global warming, water-air-soil pollution, species extinction, dead oceans, world hunger and malnutrition, fresh water shortage and many more. This is a strong argument against letting any one of us to be served animal products. If you are against letting any one smoke in your vicinity, citing your personal rights then you should also be against anyone consuming animal products anywhere. This is also your personal right!
This is what I've to say. Now I'll like to have your opinion on this issue:
Smoking or Non-veg.: Which needs to be quit first?

Wonderful post buddy. My father-in-law was a strict vegetarian and always used to tell us " take not the life u cannot give because everyone has a right to live " . So the answer is non-veg fpr sure.
Regards Nainaz
Thank you @nainaztengra for your lovely comment! I wish you could say the same words to your daughter-in-law too!
Wow, "second hand eating". That's a very powerful phrase. So much truth to it. I stopped eating animal products for my own health, but once I did the research I realized it was helping more than just me. Very insightful post.
So happy to learn that now you know many more reasons to stop eating animals. It's not just for your own health but it also contributes to the common good.
Honestly guys you can not sit here and listen to this garbage. Are you telling me smoking, inhaling tar, rat position, toxins is that same if not better for you than eating animal products? Are you dumb or are you stupid? sorry for coming across harshly buy I'am very annoyed buy this argument. The best way for a human to live is by nature. Acting upon nature is the way a human lives for example our meals. The west suggests humans should eat 3 meals a day, as a fact human should not be eating 3 times a day rather they should create an eating gap period in there day consiing of 6 hours to get all there meals in then fast through out the day. Reason for this is humans where designed to hunt for there food catch it cook it and eat it, this requires most of the day therefore fasting most of the day "while hunting your food" is the most healthiest way. It also allows your body to stop using up so much energy digesting food all day long and focus on rebuilding cells and strengthening your immune system. Moral of the story, eat meat eat vegetables eat according to your nature as that is the way we live, at the end of the day we are animals and thats the nature of us humans.
Stop smoking tobacco and smoke weed instead, its not better for health but, it at least gives some stress free peace moments :D
LOL! Of course weed is better than tobacco but we should agree that we need to consuming animal products as our top priority. Thanks for your comment! (I was expecting that someone will say this while I was writing this post 😉. Glad that you didn't let me down 😊)
I think it's easy for people to argue that smoking is worse than meat because meat still has some nutritional value despite its negative effects, whereas smoking has no nutritional value. If you were starving, smoking wouldn't sustain you.
But the two things are hard to compare and which you should quit first is up to how you are feeling. I'm a firm believer that our bad habits are expressions or symptoms of emotional baggage and old programming so the way I improve my habits is by digging up all the old dirt and passively trying to quit all the things i decide are negative instead of forcing myself to stop.
I had such a hard time quitting sugar and caffeine and then I faced some fears and dug up and cleared out some baggage and I just stopped craving the stuff. I've gotten better with procrastination and negative thoughts (which to me are both worse than eating meat) but still working on them. I figure when I make enough progress with that I'll naturally go full vegetarian, where I eat meat once a day now.
Well said! Most poisonous substances esp. slow poisons have got some nutritional value but that doesn't mean we should consume those when starving. Sometimes starving is a better choice than consuming poison. BTW, no one is eating meat to rescue themselves from dying out of starvation! Eating meat is mostly a luxury choice.
I love this stand and it's perfectly right. But prior to that, we need to know what's right and what's wrong. Most people mistakenly making wrong choices thinking them to be the right one ...and this is because of our systematic brain-washing ...as you said "old programming".
Accept my congratulations for successfully quitting these two addictions! Sometimes we fear out of ignorance and lack of right knowledge. Once you have adequate knowledge, you feel more powerful.
You're certainly making progress in right direction. To some extent, what we eat also have some effect on our thoughts and vice-versa too. So we should be working on both ends, I feel.
My best wishes to you to see that day soon. With consistent progress you are making now, not only will you become a vegetarian very soon but a vegan too. More power to you!
Everything explained so well , thankyou so much for this post :)
I'm glad you liked it. Hope you watched the embedded videos too.
Man a ciggarete has like 1000 different substances that no one knows, more than the ones who makes them.
I mean, im not sure if you saw a video about how your lungs looks like after smoking some packs of ciggs. But it just scary.
Eat is bad too, if you dont control it ( Like everything ) but at least you dont put into yourself some bad substances.
Anyways good post, and stay strong.
Good to know that you know quite a bit about cigarettes. Have you ever thought about what goes in your meat & dairy? What are those farmed animals fed? How are they raised? How many hormones, steroids, antibiotics, supplements and medicines are injected into their bodies? Residual of all these are what you ingest through consumption of their body fluids and parts. And please also do some research on curing and processing of meat. Then perhaps you will be making some fair comparison. Thanks for your time for going through all these!
Good post and intersting information
steemit is on its way up
smoking for sure.
Good to know about your stand. Wouldn't you like to explain it to me as why smoking and not meat or dairy?
In order of most important to least (still important, but not the most important)...
Most Important
"Ultimately, it's not about counting calories, it's about eating calories that count." --Tim
I recommend to implement one of these at a time from top to bottom. But don't go to the next one until you're able to master it consistently for 3 months or so.
No need in triggering the amygdala's natural fight, flight, or freeze response by freaking it out when trying to do too much too quickly. That's probably one of the top reasons people don't succeed. Tip toe around the amygdala with small wins over time.
Good Luck!
Did that help? --Tim
But the Taste! aww man, I cant quit eating chickens. sorry but i can not quit second hand eating.
Thousands of different beans, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains made in endless varieties of flavor, but you choose to eat the carcass of a dead animal just because you think it tastes good!?
what now? you don't think trees and vegetations don't have feelings? They have hopes and dreams too ya know.!! How will you feel if someone chopped one of your fingers and boiled it in the water & then served to someone who doesn't even like the taste?? tell me? how'd you feel.? Yeah, that's how the vegetations feel, when you eat them.
I hope that this is the clever satire that I think it is, otherwise I think we fundamentally disagree on how feelings work
Feelings are the conscious manifestation of emotion. Without thought, there is no feeling. Regardless of whether they are alive, plants certainly do not feel.
Sorry man but I see this argument as just lying to yourself to validate your ignorance to killing animals for food when it's not necessary. Even if plants do have feelings we still have to eat SOMETHING. I'd rather eat a plant knowing it will re-grow fruit or can be seeding to continue on the cycle than fool myself into thinking it's ok to ignore the screams an suffering of slaughtering living creatures for the sole reason of taste.
plants do have feelings and its ok to eat them too.
what you're saying is "if the thing doesn't scream you can eat it."
I'm not saying don't eat plants or don't eat meat.
All I want to say is "Stop judging people for eating meat, You are not better in any way."
It's not the point of being better than anyone else, you put that in your own mind, not me. I couldn't care less about being better or worse than a stranger on the internet. It's about saving animals from a torturous death. They don't die humanely at all, they suffer extreme deaths, which is very disturbing coming from a species who claim to 'love animals' and have certain ones as pets but still murder the others.
I agree each to their own and I also chose to eat meat for 37 years but it's amazing when people see the light and choose to take a more positive path for yourself, the animals and the planet as a whole. I hope you one day see this too. Take care :)
It is hard to give up something so habitual... in both cases!
Another way to overcome bad habits (and addiction).Yes, it may be hard to some but it's not impossible at all. You would perhaps be interested to read how @whatamidoing did it. Go to this insightful piece by him at:
Я понимаю, это как наркотическая зависимость. На самом деле пока вы едите это ваши вкусовые рецепторы сильно забиты. Ведь всю еду вы перчите, солите, заправляете пряным масло и тд. Без всего этого не было бы уже так вкусно! Я #Frutarian и могу вам с уверенностью заявить что меня больше не тянет на эту всю еду, мои вкусовые рецепторы очистились . Наполните себя информацией о том как полезна растительная еда, соки. Как влияет на наш организм продукты животного происхождения, термически обработанная пища. Так как вегетерианство - далеко не здоровое питание. Здоровое питание это - сырая растительная пища =)
Smells like propaganda...
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To me, the most interesting information in What the Health was how the dairy and meat industry sponsor cancer advisory institutes. Even though dairy and meat are correlated with increased cancer risk.
Life will always consume another life to sustain itself, even some veggies we eat today lose their lives from vegans,how do we justify that? Both plants and animals are alive because of living cells in them. (The theory of photosynthesis)
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Hi friend, today I come to know that you are an Indian. Thanks for sharing such a great post, its very impressive. Wish you a very beautiful time ahead.
While I condemn smoking for its obvious negative health effects, and empathize with vegans and vegetarians for ethical reasons, I do not understand the claims that the regular consumption of meat and dairy has adverse health effects. Sure anything has negative effects if it is abused, but meat and dairy are an integral part of the human diet and I have yet to see conclusive evidence otherwise.
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the bad part is some people know the side effects of these animal produce but just can't help it take for instance @arrjey
While there are definitely some strong arguments for avoiding animal products and moving to a more plant based diet, having seen the first hand the distressingly harmful effects of smoking, if pushed to choose one thing to stop I would choose smoking.
If you could only see the actual lungs of a smoker as I have, you would understand what I mean. The tar alone turns the usually pink and viable spongy lungs into black hardened mucky tar-filled bags with worthless bulging emphysematous nonfunctioning bags of air rather than functioning lung tissue.
Its a site that's not easily forgotten.
Quit smoking, definitely!
Great post and great comments! We are all human and have our views, knowledge and experience of what we have been taught and what science, the media and so called guru's tell us.. It's all mixed up.. What I know is smoking is bad, man made, laced with poison's.. Eating meat and veggies is what our human bodies have been designed to do. The "food chain" is called that for a reason, we humans have it and so does the animal kingdom. It's us humans that have tampered with it, and now nobody knows the truth of what is good or what is bad, poisons, etc are in our food. When I was growing up in Africa back in the 60's + 70's the word "organic" did not exist. Our chickens, cows and veggies grew naturally. Now we pay out of teeth for "organic"... Morale of the story is grow your own stuff, eat healthy, exercise and enjoy life and nature!
I will comment and respond as a phyician, oncologist, non-smoker and non-vegan. I would advise to quit smoking first given the fairly quick benefits of doing so and stopping the accumulation of risk associated with ongoing smoking as it pertains to cancers, heart disease and vascular disease. Having seen and cared for many, many smoking-related cancers, I can first hand tell you the devastating impact it can have. Of note I do have patients with cancers who have been Vegan for some time.
As a non-vegan/vegetarian, I will agree that a vegetarian diet is healthier - no question. But in comparison to smoking cessation, I feel that the transition to a vegetarian/vegan diet can be second to smoking cessation as "crash" dietary transitions are harder to maintain and I would advise that to make a healthier diet transition sustainable, one does so at a modest pace. Health benefits will come.
Now one disagreement I have with you is your apparent linking ALL animal products to the WHO statement - that is not accurate. WHO made a statement on processed meats (including cured meats). That did not include eggs and skinless chicken, both of which do have health benefits.
Thank you
Thanks a lot for sharing a nice sharing informations ...
WHAT THE HEALTH ... Every individual must have access to "a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being," and health is "not just an absence of disease or infirmity." Health is a condition (while disease is a reaction). keep going bro and nice articles
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Nicely written. Both have to quit.
First quit Non-veg after that smoking. or say both quit together.