Why dogs?
For a long time, specialists say that adopting a dog can be beneficial to human health. Now, however, scientists are beginning to understand why we feel better when we receive such an animal in our lives.
The mere act of taking care of a dog can trigger a series of activities at the neural level. Instantly, the neurotransmitters in the brain start to "flicker". It is an involuntary act that makes us feel good. Moreover, when we smile, a larger amount of neurotransmitters is secreted, giving us a good feeling.
There are many theories about how dogs and people have become the best friends as we have evolved together over the years.
There is recent scientific evidence supporting the idea that a dog improves human health and makes it simply happier.
So far we already know that quadrupeds improve our physical and mental health, help children develop and keep them healthier, give us reason to move and interact socially with other pet owners and even help us in our love relationships.
Stress relieve at a bark of a dog
In a study group, researchers have discovered how dog owners can overcome significant stress factors in their lives. In addition, dog owners are more responsible for the life they live in.
Researchers have found that having a dog significantly increased the owner's ability to overcome negativity caused by social rejection. Dogs may be a natural stress reliever because dogs trust and enjoy being with their owners. It can be hard to find a friend who wants to be just with you, but dogs do a great job in this regard.
Our social life becomes way better when having a dog as a pet
Our dogs do more than give us social support. Something we already know, but it has also recently been proved that having a dog increases the amount and quality of social interaction a person receives.
The results of this research has clearly shown how people, especially strangers, are more likely to make a conversation with you if they see you with a dog. Having a dog opens the door to the authentic conversation, an increase in accessibility and you can even find a new friend.
The second part of the study decided to carry out a social experiment involving a dog owner who was well dressed in comparison to a dog owner who was dressed modestly. Scientists wanted to see who would be approached and who they would talk to. The results showed that the biggest socialization factor was not how the men were dressed, but also the fact that they both had a dog next to them.
Researchers have concluded that having a dog can break the communication barriers, which in turn leads to greater welfare and social health.
Your dog can improve your mental health
Several studies have shown that when we take care of a dog, the level of oxytocin increases. Oxytocin helps reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels, a hormone released in response to stress and nervousness.
This is why some doctors claim that adopting a dog as a pet can be a substitute for anxiety medication.
Recent studies suggest that people with high levels of oxytocin can cure faster than the rest of people. Therefore, experts believe that the healing properties of oxytocin can partly explain the benefits of canine therapy.
Why science says that our furry pet makes us happier and healthier? Walking alongside our dogs will give us reason to balance our minds and organize our thoughts.
Dogs are our life-long companies, and dog owners seem to go confident in life and look for everything good they can find on this journey.
The longer we live with our dogs, the happier, the wiser and the healthier we will be.
Not to be overly negative - but dogs also pee in the house and eat their own crap - just saying