To help or not to help?🤷‍♀️

in #animals5 years ago


Climat is changing. This fact cannot be denied. Those who are interested in the life of storks notice that more and more birds do not fly away for wintering. Do they need human help?

The white stork is a strong and hardy bird. If the bird is healthy and well-fed there is no need to interfere in the natural process of its life.

It is necessary to start worrying when the bird cannot fly. You should also be attentive to birds in the event of heavy snowfalls, because under deep snow the birds can not find their food - small rodents.

If you find a weakened stork, the question will be what to feed the bird. Not everyone is able to get mice for him ... For urgent cases, the easiest option is to go to the supermarket and buy chicken hearts or fillets. Remember to offer the bird water. And of course, immediately show the bird to the vet!

And the last one. Even if the bird looks very weak, beware of a sharp beak! Taking the bird in your hands, fix the beak with one hand, otherwise you may need an optometrist!






Continue helping them. Happy new year in advance.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We shouldn't help wild animals. No matter what.

I will not comment on the storks, but I would like to point out that saying the climate is changing should not be accepted blindly.

In other words, govts, big business and socialists want to use the change as a reason to destroy our technology and civilisation. However, if we carefully examine the facts and see that Earth goes through these changes periodically and part of the reason is the sun, then we have no reason to turn certain proponents of climate change taxes into that they can fly huge jet planes just for themselves to go to the next meeting, polluting our skies.

Examine all sides of an argument, never place your trust in those who are made more powerfull of wealthy by their theories and always try to place your own family first (which means you cannot allow yourself to be blinkered).

You have quite a few and they look like they all get along with one another...