I Think She Missed the Point...

in #animals7 years ago


Between her old ratty bed that I can’t get rid of as her and her brother love it...and the nice new cushy bed I just got her last month to help with her achy legs...she chooses neither. Instead, my genius girl Bindi decides to sammich herself between the 2 beds, defeating the entire purpose to begin with.


Bindi is soon to be 15. She’s stubborn and marches to the beat of her own drum but is such a sweet angel. I’ve had her since she was a tiny puppy and we have shared many adventures together. She brings me tremendous joy daily and I’m lucky to have her by my side...even if I constantly waste money buying things to help her that she refuses to use. Love ya girl.



Perhaps its just one of those lazy days and she couldn't be bothered to get into bed, but it still makes a good cushion @blewitt lol

One of those days...he’ll, she’s gonna be 15 soon. All her days are lazy days!!! Lol

Awww so cute. And fluffeeeh.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah they shed hair like crazy. My little furballs

"I’ve had her since she was a tiny puppy and we have shared many adventures together"

Oh man, that's really touching.

I think you probably did help her, as sandwiching yourself between two other things is very comforting. Like tucking yourself up in bed. It's kind like you bought her the space in between. :)

It is definitely the better way of looking at it which was...she fell...got lazy...stayed there. lol

Hahaha. Maybe she will like it some day ;) It is not your bed soooo… :P


Funny part is my other dogs will kinda lay anywhere. Bindi is SUPER SPECIFIC and a bit OCD on where she lays. Her back legs aren’t super strong and once in a while she struggles so I’m gusssing she plopped down and had difficulty getting up and was just like...hell with it.

Oh. What is wrong with her legs? Displasia?

Not 100% yet but I think it's a bit of arthritis, a bit of the ol hip displasia, and perhaps even early stages of degenerative myelopathy. She does not seem to be in any pain which would possibly indicate the latter. Shes happy and loves the family and the other pups. Loves eating and her sleep. She's just to the point where time is catching up to her back legs and they are not as strong. She still walks and will run a bit on occasion. We have 2 steps down to the back door and she goes up and down those daily several times. Just some days it's a bit harder. It truly sucks to watch them slow down. So depressing....