The boys aunt is recovering from an operation at our home. She has a rabbit who is adorable!! She took her rabbit Eddy with her When she arrived a week ago.
It is a blue little teddy. He is really funny and very sweet. He lives with aunt Danielle on the upper floor. Now he is 1 year old.
The boys love him and the dogs only sniff at his fur and are sweet to him aswell.
He gets to go with uanti downstairs and the boys build him a tent ! A tent on the couch. He is very fluffy and beautiful grey-ish.
He runs around on the bed and had his own rabbit cagehome. And we brought his toys aswell.
@kawaiicrush with this visitor and your adorable blog I am thinking off rabbit All the time now!!
Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie
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He’s so cute and fluffy 😍 is it difficult to take care of a rabbit?
Well you have to brush his fur every other day. And cuddle as much as you can 🐰