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RE: Forest Find

in #animals7 years ago

Ok, the rack is very cool, but I love that you noticed the fence post!

"Oh the stories they tell! How gnarled and worn. Burn. Once a tree. Now a fence.

Everything tells a story. Each of us are moments piled on top of moments."

I was just thinking about how much slower my kids' lives are compared to most. (We're very eclectic--we homeschool in an unschool-y way with a Waldorf-ish flair). They do play rec league soccer in the spring & fall (5 weeks at a time) but otherwise, we chill here on the homestead. We enjoy our moments. Shared moments are treasures that shape us and if we're lucky stay with us to cherish. If we look at life this way, then it makes even tedious chores almost enjoyable! I was cleaning out the chicken coop last week and my 2 year old decided he wanted to help with the wheelbarrow. I was about to have my 11yr old play with him so I could finish faster, but then caught myself. He came over and giggled as we pushed our stinky load through mud to the compost pile. It took 10 minutes longer, but we connected. We laughed. We shared a moment.

Thanks for sharing with us.


I was just thinking about how much slower my kids' lives are compared to most.

way to go mama! I think that's one of the greatest ways to raise children! #slowkidsmovement LOL and i love how you allowed yourself to go with the flow of being with the kids as they took the goofier, more fun path... that is soooo good for us to remember as adults with our drive schedules lol! thanks for sharing and stopping by with your awesome comment :)