Every child should experience the glee of catching a frog or toad. I'm sure the experience isn't as fun for the frog. However, I'm convinced that my childhood summers spent catching frogs will be some of the memories that stay with me, to be re-lived over and over in the quiet, reflective moments of my life, no matter my age.
At times, after seeing a movie like "The Martian," I have speculated as to what scenes from my life I would choose to replay to help keep myself sane in a situation of extreme duress. I think my frog catching days would be among them.
I haven't caught a lot of frogs lately. I've lived in very urban areas for many years now, so the opportunity doesn't come along often. However, when it has presented itself, I'm eager to step up to the plate to coach my kids on effective frog catching technique. "Scoop him! Don't be afraid of him! Careful not to crush him! There ya go! Isn't he cute?!"
I hope these simple memories are ones my children will cherish for years to come as well.
Way to go Son!
By the way, good job catching that frog @lukechiappetta
I have caught soooooo many frogs in my life. I remember the look in my moms face when I was covered in mud and green moss in a pond catching frogs. This is a great post because it's so true and something you most always will remember later in life. People think I'm crazy because I still like frogs......I have over 30 frog statue, art, figurines etc in my house as a grown man now. Enjoy the summer :)
Well, I guess we are kindred spirits. I have little glass frogs, stone frogs, clay frogs etc... Hidden in special little places all over the house, in flower pots especially. Cute little surprises!
Yes, catching frogs, toads, and other interesting creatures is a fun part of childhood discovery. I loved catching lighting bugs too. :)
Yes, I agree. I can still hear my Grandmother's voice in my mind saying, "Honey, go get those June bugs! All lit up!"
D'aussi loin que je me souvienne, j'ai toujours adoré attraper des grenouilles, des crapauds et aussi des couleuvres! Mes 3 enfants aussi adorent cela!!! Des moments en familles magiques et rigolos!
From as far as I can remember, I always loved catching frogs, toads and also snakes! My 3 children also love it !!! Magical and fun family moments!!
Yes, they are magical moments! I homeschooled my children for many years and i was always grateful for the extra time it gave us to travel & do some exploring in nature. From your profile, it looks like we have similar interests? :)
Effectivement! Nous sommes unschoolers et j'apprécie énormément tout le temps que nous passons ensemble à faire une foule de trucs plus amusant et passionnant les uns que les autres!! Explorer la nature est en effet une de mes activités favorites!! Ces jours-ci nous avons pêché et attraper plusieurs insectes pour notre collection! Au plaisir de partager au sujet de nos passions!!
Effectively! We are an unschooling familly and I greatly enjoy all the time we spend together doing a lot of fun and exciting stuff !! Exploring nature is indeed one of my favorite activities !! These days we have gone fishing and catched several insects for our collection! Hope to share more about our passions !!
This brings back great memories, between catching frogs and thrashing water snakes around my grandparents pond. They had one bull frog about as big as my head, one day I finally wrangled it, I picked it up by one leg, and it made the shrill eat most horrifying scream, scared the bejesus out of me. Not something I'd suggest replicating, just a forewarning.
Haha! Yes, bullfrogs are no joke! You and that frog both shared an unforgettable moment together! I never was able to get my hands on one as big as yours. I tended to stick to the little unintimidating guys :) Thanks for sharing the memory!
I can remember catching toads at summer camp when I was young; a pleasure my children haven't yet had, on account of living in the city. Incidentally, whenever someone mentions catching frogs or toads, it brings to mind one particular incident where I caught a tiny toad and put it into a little box, which I put into the back pocket of my shorts. I forgot about it, and was later devastated to discover a dead and completely flat baby toad when I emptied my pockets before changing into pyjamas. Horrifying at the time, but funny 30 years later.
Oooooo! Well... Unforgettable life lesson learned on that one! Some mistakes you never make twice, lol! Im sorry for your ( & the frog's) trauma. But thanks for sharing the story ;)
Nope, never made the mistake of putting a toad in my pocket again. Lol
Is that your pet? I want one.