My mother is a biologist. I lived in Brazil when I was a kid and sometimes she would go to the Amazon rain forest to rescue endangered animals by devastating floods. So we had lots of exotic animals for a small period of time in our house like snakes, lizards, birds and so on. I just love animals so much. We would return them home when everything was ok, it was an incredible experience.
I can't believe people actually hunt animals like Ruffed Lemurs. I don't think hunting is a nice thing though. Maybe when humans were living in tribes hundreds of years ago it was understandable or to control birth rates of certain species but that? Crazy.
Thanks a lot for this post, I wish I could up vote more than once.
Oh that sounds like you had an incredible childhood! It's important that children are taught to respect animals from a young age.
Hunting is required for certain species, mainly prey animals that have no natural predators alive today, though I am completely against the hunting of vulnerable species, and I feel that any hunting should be heavily regulated and monitored.
I'm glad you enjoyed the post! :)