Central aurochs nursery

in #animals8 years ago

Today we will visit the Central aurochs nursery, which is located on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve.
Why Prioksko-Terrasny? Yes, everything is simple! The reserve is located in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region on the left bank of the Oka River. That's Prioksky. A Terrasny - yes there is such a relief. Hollow sloped north-south terraced plain.
Breed in this kennel tauren aurochs.


The aurochs (bull) is 3.5 meters long and 2 meters high and weighs more than a ton. This is how much meat and useful hair! It is not surprising that at the beginning of the 20th century almost all aurochs on the Earth were eaten. There are only 48 animals left in various zoos and private zoos.


In 1948, in the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasnaya Reserve under the leadership of M. A. Zablotsky, the Central aurochs Nursery is created. The purpose of the nursery is the breeding of aurochs for the restoration of this rare species in the territory of the former range.

питомник зубров

питомник зубров

The territory of the nursery is divided into pens surrounded by wire mesh and connected by long corridors. In each of these pens there is a family of aurochs, consisting of one male, 4-5 females, and aurochs aged up to 10 months. When the jubilee turns 10 months old, they are separated from their mothers and united into a separate youth flock.

семья зубров

Aurochs live 18-20 years and die due to a lack of dental care. By the age of 18, the teeth of the aurochs are being erased, the animal has nothing to chew on, the animal loses weight and dies. Where do veterinarians look?


In the winter, aurochs are fed with hay and they always make money at the feeders. In the summer aurochs wander throughout the pen, eating a natural grassy cover.

зубры поедают сено

Another aurochs is given in the wooden trays some mixture of clay and salt.

зубры лижут соль

And this is a hay warehouse.

склад сена

The hank of the hay is brought from the warehouse closer to the feeding troughs of the aurochs.

моток сена

A aurochs is a wild animal. He does not need various sheds and sheds.

дикий зубр

Not for nothing this inscription!

Внимание! Не подходите к сетке!

But tourists do not care! They try to caress the aurochs, though they close their eyes from fear.

погладить зубра

They try to feed a wild animal.

подкормка зубра

Although aurochs are considered wild animals, everyone has a name. Also aurochs can be "adopted" for a while. For example, Dmitry Koshelev adopted the Murphese's crescent.

усынови зубра

They are such aurochs. They grow them here, and then settle around the globe.



This is not a rare sight. Sheep and sheep. Live here in the kennel :)

баран и овца

The following animals and birds once lived in the Prioksko-Terrasniy Reserve, but fell into the hands of taxidermists.

Raccoon dog.

Енотовидная собака







Black grouse.


The seagull is still.

чайка сизая

Drink a big one on the right.

Выпь большая стоит справа

Yes! Come to the nursery is better by 10 am, tk. Then there are going to many people who want to get on the tour and have to wait for a free guide.

Приокско-Террасный заповедник

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nice !!

@frocush, отлично! в каком это городе?

Это в лесу )))

я поняла, что где-то на Оке... но лес же все равно территориально у какого-то города

Недалеко от Серпухова.