10 Crazy Facts about Animals

in #animals7 years ago

Butterflies taste with their feet:

Butterflies have receptors on their legs that are similar to the taste buds in a human mouth, however it is 200 times stronger. In butterflies, these receptors are used primarily to test potential egg-laying sites for toxins or other detriments that could harm their offspring. The butterflies will not have to eat the plant, but their offspring will depend on the plant in the earlier stages of their lives.

Crocodiles Swallow Stones for Swimming:

The reptiles swallow large stones that stay permanently in their bellies. It's been suggested the rocks are used for ballast in diving. Since crocodile can not chew, they barrel role to tear meat from a carcass.

Cats have 32 muscles in each of their ears:

There are only 3 muscle in the human ear. The cat has 32 muscles, but there are small muscles.

Beaver teeth never stop growing :

Beaver teeth will continue to grow for all of its life, however chewing on tree trucks and branches helps keep their teeth from growing too long. If the beaver teeth did not continue to grow, then it will be wear down easily with all the chewing they have to do.

Starfish have eye spots:

Starfish have eye spots at the tip of each of their arms that cannot see detail but can detect light and dark. The light help it to know where to move.

Flamingos aren't actually pink:

Flamingos are born with grey feathers, which slowly turn pink due to a natural pink dye they get from their diet of brine shrimp and blue-green algae.

Crows play pranks on each other:

Crow are super smart and uses that intelligence to figure out how to get food and prank each other.

Dogs have nose print:

Just like a human have fingerprint and no two are the same, dog have nose print that are unique to each dog.

Bats cannot walk:

The leg bones in bats are too thins, so they can not walk. When bats are on the ground they are usually crawling.

Killer whales are not whales:

Killer whales are actually a species of dolphin.

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