Beautiful crew you have :) I've always been interested in Akitas, but then I tend to like large white dogs... They tend to be a bit of a handful though, don't they?
As far as the names of the kitties, I get it: I've had a pet bunny that started off with another name and then just became 'moppet' which suited her far better. My brother has one better - he used to have two black cats, phoebe and jasmine that lived in his apartment in Brighton. One day, sitting in his lounge he suddenly realised there were three black cats just chilling in the lounge... He'd kind of noticed that one cat was sometimes slinking around or hiding under the bed but had assumed it was one of the girls! So he ended up with an extra black cat called 'spare' 😂
Lol - Spare is a pretty funny name for a cat! Ha! Akitas are bred to be guard dogs and she is just what we need here in Panama for a little added security. She lets us know if anyone comes into the neighborhood or near the house. She is a family dog and only really likes our family. If others try to pet her, she growls at them.