BRAVO -- that is quite an experienced article (i.e., You really know your subject or have researched it thoroughly).
I Like birds.. and I like learning, so this for me is a "win-win". One thing I did not understand about the Peregrine Falcon - its beak function, & that it can severe the Spinal column of its victim.
Also didn't realize how FAST their Heart beats ! Wow.
And then when you said "Numerous air sacs allow the Lungs to remain inflated even during exhalation", I was truly surprised ♦♦ So that's How they can do the trick of Flying at such a great speed.
Gracias. And keep up the good work ☻
P.S. - Have you ever done 1 on FINCHES? Or do you stick mainly to the LG birds..
I haven't posted about a Finch yet, I promise to add it to my list for the future just for you!
Glad you enjoyed the post!
Will Look forward to