Happy Monday, my dear friends!
Having a dog is a big responsibility and there's a lot of work involved. If you haven't read my dog's story, you can check it here. Despite all the work it takes, I can say that is totally worth it, in my opinion. I was going to name this "8 benefits of having a pet" but some of the points are only relatable to dogs. I do love all the other pets, though.
Please find below 8 benefits of having a dog, taken from my own experience.
Mel, my dog, being a happy pup
1 - It Teaches You To Be Responsible
If you don't have children, having a dog is a good 'training' on how to be a parent. If you're the only caretaker of your pet, you have a little creature that's totally dependent on you. Isn't it a lot of responsibility? If you had a Tamagotchi in the past, having a dog is the next step! Haha, just kidding.
I'm not only talking about feeding, I'm also talking about walking, picking up the poop, going to the vet when necessary, creating routines and boundaries. It teaches you how to care about something else, to look after their health and happiness. It's a very special lesson, in my opinion.
2 - It's a Motivation To Go Outside More Often
I live in a flat without a balcony or any garden. I walk my dog 3 times a day, with the third time being a quick pee break. I'm a very indoors person. If it wasn't for my dog, I wouldn't leave the house for a whole week (I work from home). I would probably rot in my office chair and live like a cave(wo)man.
I learnt to enjoy walking outside, sipping on a coffee and listening to some music. It's nice and relaxing. It makes me healthier and happier! My dog loves it, so it's a win-win.
3 - It's a Reason To Socialise More
I'm an introvert and some social situations make me anxious and tired. I don't like socialising with people I don't know. Since I have a dog, I've been socialising with more people that have or like dogs. I feel like I have a subject to talk about or I can just watch my dog playing with other dogs.
I've met and talked to people I would never have done if it wasn't for her. I've built a friendship with my neighbours, as they have a dog too. I think this is awesome and incredibly important.
Mel, in her throne.
4 - You Don't Need a Doorbell
I don't need a doorbell anymore. When someone shows up at the door, Mel makes sure I know there's someone there. She's very proud of herself as she thinks she's doing a good doorbell job as well as protecting the house. I admit that sometimes it's not pleasant, especially if I'm having a work call. I think her protective instinct is sweet, though, and it makes me feel safer at night.
5 - You Don't Need a Paper Shredder
If you want to destroy any letter or paper documents, just give it to your dog. Mel is the perfect paper shredder. I trained her to destroy paper when I give it to her, but she won't destroy it if it's just laying around. Unless I'm not around and it's laying there for a long time, tempting her... Come on, she can't help it. :)
6 - You Have a Best Friend That Will Never Leave Your Side
There's such a special companionship that builds up between dog and owner. Your dog will love you like no one else does, she will never leave your side no matter what. If you're having a good or a bad day, they will just be happy to be around you.
They'll be up for anything, as long as they're included in it! If you have a dog, you have a best friend that will cheer you up and make you laugh. You learn about unconditional love and friendship. Well, I did :)
7 - You Have The Best Welcoming's
Going back home to my dog is one of the best and happiest things. It always puts a smile on my face. :)
8 - Makes You a Happier Person
I feel like a happier person, since I have my dog, for the reasons described.
Do you have a dog or a pet? What are the benefits of having them, in your opinion? Let's talk about it :)
I have a dog and it is the best thing ever in my life what has happened+i followed your blog:)
It is the best thing :) Thank you very much!!! I'm also following you :)
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OMG there are soooo many benefits to having a dog...or 5! haha my home would not be the same without my 5 dogs, they make me feel safe and they give me unconditional love and I love them unconditionally back. They make me happy when I am sad. They make me exercise when I want to be lazy. They help my autistic/tourettes syndrome son when he is having a meltdown or a tourettes attack. So many more things!
Is there no limit on how many dogs you can have where you are, or are they a special case due to being therapy dogs / emotional support animals etc? Where I am you can only legally have two dogs.
no, there are no laws restricting anyone from owning 5 dogs, in fact I know some people who have lots more! I think if you live in rented property you probably are restricted by the landlord, but as we own our house, we can have as many as we like :) (although 5 is enough, I am running out of room haha)
Hmm fair enough. I assumed other places would have had a limit too. I'm guessing the laws we have is to prevent people getting more animals than they can take care of and ultimately neglecting them but it would be nicer if maybe it was a 3 or something dog limit instead of 2. If people have the time and resources to care for them, 2 seems a little stricter and more limited than it needs to be. I think the limit should be a little higher than 2. Though yes, landlords also restrict things. We can't have dogs or anything where we are renting, only fish and things that go in fish tanks (red cherry shrimp are pretty adorable - you just can't interact with them like you could with a dog or a cat).
which country do you live in?
oh wow! I wasn't expecting it to be Australia! I don't know why but I thought you would have similar laws to the UK.
I think in Portugal you can have as many dogs you want, if you live in your own house. I'm not aware of a max number. In a flat, though, rented or not, you can only have max of 2 dogs. So I guess laws are different! I live in a rented flat and only have one dog. My landlord accepts the fact that I have a dog, as long as I take responsibility for any damages on the flat (which are none, to date haha). I think if you own the property, you should be able to have as many as you want, (though having 10 is probably not a good idea!) as long as it doesn't affect other people and you can provide the care for them.
The landlord in the flat I lived before didn't allow any pets either. I moved to this other flat and now I can have one. If you really want one and don't mind moving, it might be worth to do a research on flats with landlords that accept pets :)
Aww I love that picture 😍5 dogs sounds like a lot of fun, love, cuteness and happiness!!! I learnt about unconditional love with my dog.. no matter what happens we'll always love them.. and they always love us too! It's a wonderful thing. It's wonderful that they help your son. Before I got a dog I could think of a lot of disadvantages of having one.. now I can only think about the benefits. (95% of times hehe) The love of a pets can heal the soul :) Thank you for sharing your lovely story <3
Yeeeeee nice dog . Real muscles what you feeding him with @beatifulbullies. He doesnt look like he plays nice 😂😂
haha she is only a baby still and is very gentle :) She wouldn't hurt a fly!
A baby !! she would be real big then. Am real relived she is nice and cuddly.
Very correctly written! I love dogs, these are the most devoted creatures on the planet) I also have a dog, I love it with all my heart. She is my second daughter)
Awe, thank you! Yes, they are. Sometime I feel like we, humans, don't deserve them! Aw, I saw her photo on your post, so cute :)
I have to agree with having the Best Welcoming's! When I get home and I get the tail wagging, the smile and the welcome howl (Mon-Mon does not bark he howls hahaha)
I agree on the need to go out and exercise hahaha and being more social with other dog walkers.
We talk about what food we are preparing, the merits of raw food and processed food. of chew toys, of good vets hahaha
I love this post Juli!
Yess it's the best thing ever! No matter how tiring or stressful the day was, getting back home to a happy welcoming like that makes up for it all :))) awww is your dog's name Mon-Mon? that's cute!
Haha Yess.. I never met my neighbours until I had my dog.. as they have a dog too! Now we're friends and go out for dog play times hehe All the talks about dogs :)
Thank you Mave, glad you liked it!!! :)))
Well he was originally my brother's and when they had him registered his name was Daemon, then when I took him home I changed it to Daemoine but I like calling him Mon-Mon because he is a silly dog that gives wet doggy kisses and hugs hahahahha.
Aww that's so cute! You should write a post about your dog and his story. I bet everyone would love it :)
hahaha he is such a clown and maybe I will write about him and his many adventures hahaha
Haha yesss that'd be brilliant! Would love to read about him :)
Awww!!! Your Candy looks so adorable and sweet! Life is indeed so much happier with a dog, they bring in so much joy and love. Thank you for sharing your lovely dog :))))
Indeed dogs are awesome and they are a role model for us to live in the now and just have fun:-)
You make a really convincing case for Dogs 😃 I don't own one, per say, but i run into dogs every now and again. And they are sweet to friends!
Dogs are awesome :) They are sweet :)
They are. true.
Great article! Not needing a doorbell definitely made me laugh (except ours is deaf and is more of a cuddle bug rather than a guard dog.)
Aww your dog is so cuddly and cute 😍looks so comfy there :) I bet she/he loves to cuddle! That's so sweet.
Hehe literally the other day I didn't hear the bell but my dog made sure I knew there was someone at the door :)
I love dogs and cats. Although I don't own one. And you have tempted me into adopting one. I have been thinking about it for a long time.
Adopting a dog or cat is one of the best things ever, if you decide to do it. They have so much love to give :) I'd 100% recommend!
Dogs are good, they are even called the human best friend, there are some awesome cool dogs, if you meet them woooowwww..
They are just so amazing
Hehe They're the human's best friends for sure :)) Thank you for your comment!
I believe it is a scientifically proven fact that petting a dog for several minutes decreases your blood pressure. Reasons 2 and 3 resonate the most with me as my little buddy gets me outside much more often and we have made some great acquaintances when out having a poop or pee (him not me).
Here's a really cool dog friend we met the other day. She climbs trees.
I've read that before, and I completely believe it. They have the power to calm us and make us happier. I'm glad your furry friend gets you to go outside and explore more often, which is an improvement in our healthy habits :)
Oooh that's an amazing dog! So cute the fact that she climbs trees :)
She's not mine but she is an amazing dog we got to meet on our travels. She's incredible.
All too true @julimattos! There are simply no better friends around.
My worst memories are from accidentally offending some...and from having had to terminate the suffering of others when there were no more remedies left over.
I now resort to petting those that live with friends, and to returning the love of my daily visiting free dove lady friend, who is satisfied with no less than an embracing cuddle and who nibbles a playful finger and who closes her eyes with pleasure as I stroke her feathery head. Do enjoy sharing good moments with your canine friends while you have the privilege of their company - we have a lot to learn from them!
They're the best friends. I'm sorry to hear about your bad memories, the worse thing about having a dog is to having them leave us. It must be a painful feeling, as they become part of our family. Getting support from the good memories would be the best thing to do, though I understand the pain.
Aww that's so nice. I'm glad you get to visit your furry friends and play/pet them :) We do indeed have a lot to learn from them!
I love it! I had an awesome dog a couple years ago. Alas, she was not destined to stay with me long, but she served me well as a companion and protector, despite her very small size.
I did laugh at the paper shredder part. thanks for sharing!
Aw I'm glad she could be your companion and protector, leaving her own little mark on your life :) I'm glad that made you laugh! She does like to destroy paper hehe thank you for your comment!! :)
Nice post @julimatos . I dont do dogs normally i prefer cats. But your post got me thinking maybe i get chihuahua . Come to think of it am a man and i need a best friend..😉
I like both cats and dogs - my parents have 2 cats and I love them :) If you decide to get a dog, I'm sure he would be your best friend! Thank you for commenting :)
Good article on the benefits of a dog. I wish we could have one but we are currently renting unfortunately. :(
Thank you for your comment! Maybe you could research around your local area to see if there's anywhere you can move to that accepts dogs? That happened to me, as I used to live in a flat whose landlord didn't accept pets. I moved and my current landlord is fine with my dog, though :)
Yeah I've looked before for places that allow pets but unfortunately the vast majority of rentals here are no pets. There aren't many that allow them unfortunately and the rare few that do, are normally quite pricey. Thanks for the suggestion though. Maybe we'll get lucky and find one when this lease gets closer to the end.
Hope you find a place! I'm sure you will :) Have a wonderful day.
I have three dogs, 2 large breeds and 1 little one. Whenever we arrive home, whether we've been out for 10 minutes or 8 hours, they go beserk, jumping and licking and tails wagging, just for a rub and paw shake! One is already 6 years old, the other 2 years and little one is 9 months. We have a large garden, but they sleep indoors. They absolutely love the beach and swimming in the sea ... our house is a 5 minute walk from the beach. Enjoyed your post, I believe a home with pets is a happier home.
Aww that sounds like such a nice thing to look forward to, when coming home! It's a wonderful feeling, make us feel special and loved. You have a wonderful family. I only have one dog at the moment, but maybe in the future may adopt more. :)
I bet your dogs love the garden. Mel loves going to the beach, too. That's wonderful that you live next to the beach!! They must love it :) Yes, agreed! Thank you for your feedback!
Mel your dog, is a real sweetie!!! And, so photogenic! Congratulations on having your post selected by the @asapers! Best wishes to you 🐕
Thank you soo much! She's a little model :D Best wishes to you too!
Every dog lover would agree!
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Obesity is the top health problem among dogs.