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RE: Here's A List Of Whales That Have Recently Died With Stomachs Full Of Plastic. And It's Not Just Whales That Are Dying...

in #animals8 years ago

Endless tears for what we are doing to these poor creatures. There are biodegradable products we could be using, yet, they are not often sold. Why? Do the corporations actually want to destroy as much life on this planet as they can? Is it to create more problems so they can swoop in with the $OLUTION$?


Maybe the cost goes up when there are less animals. They love a bit of scarcity for the profit machines.

OUCH! I hope that is not the root of the issue, but, once again....

Yes, it is very terrible. Recently in the USA they started banning products like facewash/shampoo/soap that have those tiny plastic beads in them(the microbeads).

We are slowly fixing such an obvious problem. Washing ourselves with microplastic, it goes down the drain, the drain goes into a river or a lake. So many simple fixes!!! You know what they did to fix this? They just use micro sand! Which supposedly is a lot better as sand is naturally occuring and sinks to the bottom :)

That's nice that a small step is being taken, yet, anything plastic can do, hemp can do better. The packaging on those said shampoos and washes is still made from plastic. It's like putting a bandaid on a brain haemorrhage to fix it.

it's not like the corporations want to destroy life. It's just that they don't care. We, as the consumer sshould demand for more ecofriendly products, even if that means paying more, otherwise the problem will keep growing bigger and bigger :(

Yep, you got it.

Well the corporations don't give a FUCK and the consumers are ignorant. The corporations are far more diabolical and the consumers are just complacent lazy perpetuates.
ITs true that if the consumers stopped buying and DEMANDED sustainable products the corporations WOULD provide them. Though the corporations are not making steps to do so and are bluntly pulling the wool over peoples eyes and perpetuating the lies.