This story goes about a dog. I am gonna try to write it in English because I think it is an important story.
A friend of a friend’s dog died. Here dog was an old dog, most of the days it was laying on his own spot, sleeping.
After a while she decided to buy a new dog, a puppy. After a while my friend came to visit and told me that they had put the pup in a bench because it ran and played all day.
I was surprised because that is what puppy s do! At first, I thought they only where putting here in the bench for some rest and took care of the pup like it has to be.
But after a while my friend told that the pup was in the bench all day long. They did not take it for walks or let in the living room. I was really outraged because I could not imagine that someone do that to an animal.
I decided to call animal protection, they asked me, or they fed the dog. Immediately I told them this was the only thing they did. But because the animal was fed there was nothing they could do. After that I called the animal police. But they told me the same.
At first my possibilities to help the dog stopped there. And my friend would try to talk to the owners from the dog. But nothing changed and every time my friend visited me we talked about the dog again And I called two more times the animal protection and the animal police. Their answer stayed the same. This way three months passed by.
After three months I became really frustrated about the situation, and I decided to go and get the dog. That is how Doeschka came in my life.
I got Doeschka in the bench in my car. And the first things I noticed was that she smelled awful. It appears she had to lay in her own excrement in her bench. She smelled that awful that I had to wash here three times. And my car smelled for a week.
After the shower she went to lay on my sofa and kept stretching here legs. She had grown this much that in the bench where she was in, this was not possible anymore.
When her coat was dry I took here for a walk. At the moment I was outside the built-up area I was letting here from the leash to run. Doeschka loved it.
Doeschka was jumping with all here four legs from the ground. But when she came down her legs could not carry her. So she popped against the road. I was very shocked. Immediately I put her on the leash and walked home with her.
At home, I called the veterinarian to make an appointment for a health check. The next day I would go there. Doeschka was a mix between a greyhound and a golden retriever, and she was really skinny at the moment I got her.
The next day the veterinarian told me that her teeth looked like a dog with the age of 4, but she was only six months old. All here muscles were not developed. And although there was greyhound in her she was much too skinny. That is also why it was difficult for here to get it warm. The soles of her feet even were still pink and the veterinarian told me that it was because Doeschka had never walked outside for a good walk.
To help here muscles develop in a good way she only could make straight movements. So no playing with other dogs. She could eat as much as she liked, and swimming and walking on the leash and let her sleep on a warm place where advises the veterinarian gave me.
I was very sad because somebody could to that to an animal. And extra sad because it was Doeschka because although she was just with me, she was so sweet.
At home a made a plan, the forrest was nearby and not to far away was a place where I could swim with here.
The first time I went there she did not want in to the water. Despite the fact that it was not very warm at that moment of the year I decided that I had to go in the water with her. The first three times I swam with her. After that she was used to it and Doeschka was really starting to like it.
Walking in the forest without encountering other dogs was difficult, and a lot of people came to me that I abused the dog because she was so skinny. So most of the time I walked to the countryside. Along the fields and farms we walk. Every day and after a week a bit longer. She ate a little more every day, and she slept on the couch or with me on the bed.
In that time we really bonded. I have not had a dog that obeyed so well and I could take here everywhere. That's why she was never alone, later it would appear that that was my biggest mistake with her. But at that time I did not think about it and was is just love between us.
When she was a year old she could do everything again, it cost much work and much energy from me and her. But I was so glad about the dog I got.
On a day the day came that she had her first attack. She laid down and starting shake and shock. I immediately called the veterinarian. After some examine with attention the veterinarian told me she had epilepsy. We got medication for when you had an attack.
Happily she had not a lot attacks and life went on. After time passed the circumstances forced me to go look for a job. That when she came to be home alone. She really did not like that, and she started to demolish the couch. It did not matter how long I went walking with her before I left, or how many toys I laid down in the living room.
So I decided to put her not in the living room anymore when I was away. Bet wherever I putted here she would find here way to demolish things. She even chewed on the doorposts and the doors.
At that time, and probably because of the stress, her attacks got more. The veterinarian advised me to contact a behavior specialist for dogs. The day he came at my home he was shocked by the damage that Doeschka made.
After telling the story about how I got Doeschka he immediately knew that we had a big problem. Depression anxiety!
Staying at home was no option for me, and there were no people around me where I could let her stay during the day. And now it was so bad that when I had to go, she was literally chattering her teeth, this because she was so scared. And after every attack she had to wait if it had done damage we should notice. Clearly Doeschka was not the happy dog anymore.
The behavior specialist talked about give here another home, but also said that the change was very big she would be put in a shelter after a while. And after time she would be put down because of her behavior problems.
And then I had a real big dilemma because she was everything for me. And I still think I was everything for her too. But like this we could not go on. It was not so that my biggest problem was that you were demolishing everything you could, even when I was only away for minutes. But the attacks where the thing that let me made the decision to put her down.
She gave me so much happiness and joy. She better than anyone knew exactly how I felt.
And when I was pregnant but I did not know it, yet she was always putting her head on my belly.
If only the first people had treated you better, the change was very big she did not have such problems with being home alone. If I ever knew that taking her everywhere would make this a problem I would have done it different.
Besides that I am glad every day I had Doeschka, I will always miss here, and she will always be in my heart.
Please treat animals with respect, they earn it. And if you think someone is abusing an animal try to get the animal help.
I know my English is not the best but I hope you understood the story. Thank you for reading!
I like this, nice one from u dear
Thank you verry much