Hi guys,
Before I shut down my computer ad go to bed, I would like to share some pictures of the second flatmate/cat I had.
This is Monster. We lived together for three years in a converted warehouse in North London.
Monster is the kind of cat that likes to interact and talk a lot. She won't even let you watch a film... Basically she needs everyone's attention, including yours. :-)
Monster making sure she is part of the film
Begging for attention
Pretending she is sweet :-)
Her winter mood
Best roommate ever!
haha yeah!! she is a funny character!!
I just wrote a similar post about the cat I'm house sitting. I didn't realize the amount of petting required. You cat is adorable:) thanks for sharing I feel like I have borrowed pet ribbons over
Nice! I am reading your post now!!!!
Hi Monster, nice to meet you too! =・ω・=
Nice to meet you @blockchaincat!