Many children love animals, and some of them are brought up in a friendly family environment in which there are Pets. And this is a very important area of a child's life, because communication with animals contributes to the development of many qualities necessary for a person to live a full life — the ability to compassion, care, love...
The use of communication of the child with animals is obvious. It is known that the intelligence of children who grew up without communication with Pets is lower than the intelligence of children brought up in families with animals at home. In addition, communication with animals facilitates adaptation in society. Animals in the house fill it with a sense of peace, warmth and constancy. Contact with them contributes to the fact that stress is experienced easier. Unfortunately, many children grow up in the atmosphere of family scandals, and some experience divorce of their parents. And if they did not have the opportunity to hug the dog, pet the cat, Tinker with the hamster and forget about all the problems for a while, they could get a serious neurosis.
Start to acquaint the child with the world of animals and allow him to communicate with them very early. Naturally, parents by their example should show the child how to approach the animal, how to caress him, how to play with him, explain the inadmissibility of rough treatment of animals. The world of animals is huge, you can study it endlessly. Use every opportunity to open his child-a walk on the street, looking at pictures in a book, movies, going to the zoo…
And the more specific each animal (its species, its role in our life) is seen for the child, the more emotional its connection with nature, the more human it becomes.
Mention must surely be a question as ill-treatment of the child with animals. Obviously, this is not morally acceptable, PI from a legal point of view, and parents have to explain it to the child. As a rule, even the youngest children understand this early and take care of our younger brothers. However, some children are inexplicable by human standards cruelty to them, incorrect any educational measures. In this case, it is a terrible sign of a child's mental disorder, and the sooner the parents turn to a psychiatrist, the better.
Sometimes a practicing psychologist has to deal with children's fears, the objects of which are animals. Sometimes it can be provoked by a real traumatic situation, when the child was attacked due to an oversight of parents or due to a lack of communication skills with animals. But there are fears, not quite clear to parents. The child may experience a strong fear (phobia) to certain animals. Phobia-this is one form of neurosis, and in this case it occurs when some aspects of the child's relationship with his parents are transferred to them on the animal (he unconsciously attributed, for example, "bad" features of one of the parents that the child is not able to move). In such cases, child psychotherapy helps to resolve internal conflicts and problematic issues between the child and parents.
And if we talk about the direct participation of animals in psychotherapy, the experts have long been seen and successfully used useful for the mind, body and soul effect of communicating with animals. Dolphins and horses, dogs and cats — one of the most famous medicinal animals. Also interesting is the public initiative, which allowed to organize mutual communication of children and animals. In Pennsylvania, the cats staged a "Friends book". Children of primary school come to the shelter and read to cats aloud, it helps children to improve reading skills and learn how to take care of our smaller brothers, and cats helps to socialize. The initiative was taken up by shelters across the country.
As a psychologist, I would advise every parent to think about how important and useful it is for a child to communicate with animals. Moreover, I believe that the benefits of communication with animals children outweigh the inevitable, but not so great difficulties associated with the care of him. Also, maybe your last Bastion will fall if you find out that Pets are in no way contributing to the fact that there is more infection in the house. After all, according to research, children with animals in their families suffer less, and their immune system is more stable.

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