10 new species of animals

in #animals8 years ago

A new African monkey is the latest animal discovery that has been made in 2012. Found in the heart of the Congo is medium in size and is fed on vegetables. In addition to this, there are several more species that have been discovered in recent years.

  1. Medusa of Bonaire

It is highly dangerous. The name of the species, Tamoya ohboya, was selected by a master. It has a long colored tail.

  1. Lemur mouse from Berthe

It is the smallest of the mouse lemurs and the smallest primate in the world, with an average length of 92 mm and a weight of 30 grams. He lives in Madagascar.

  1. Danionella dracula

He is also known as Dracula and was discovered in Myanmar. One of its most peculiar characteristics are its teeth, which are the largest of the freshwater fish. It was discovered in 2009.

  1. Sneeze monkey

Myanmar's nose-nosed monkey or flat-nosed monkey is a species of columbine native to northern Burma. The rain supposedly causes him to sneeze because of the short skin around his spattered nose.

  1. Cowboy frog

It lives in the tropical forests of the southwestern town of Kwamalasumutu.

  1. Gecko turnip greens

Discovered in Suriname.

  1. Grasshopper Crayola

It lives in the lowland forests of South and Central America. The name crayola is due to its striking colors.

  1. Parasitic Wasp

Her favorite dish is ants. Go back just an inch from the ground to see your goals. It is located in Madrid.

  1. Giant Milpies

Its common name is 'giant foot sausage'. It is the longest species of millipedes, about 16 centimeters long and is found in the Arc Mountains of eastern Tanzania.

  1. Devil's Worm

It measures 0.5 mm and was discovered at a mine in South Africa. They are the terrestrial multicellular creature that lives at greater depth.

  1. Blue parrot fish.

This colorful animal can reach more than half a meter and lives in tropical waters.


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