This was unexpected.
There I was, just sitting at my computer spending some time on steemit. Suddenly, Pinkie-Pepper burst through the door and shouted, "Pygmy Rattlesnake!" Soon, I was following her outside into the darkness, my adrenaline rushing and pulse pounding. Sure enough, there is was!
While these may be a beautiful snake with some amazing coloration, they are also a venomous snake and dangerous to interact with. That's why I relocate them further into the wilderness whenever we encounter them.
came down to visit, we even found a black one! We will see what happens this year, but we videoed me when I captured this one.Last year, when @vcelier
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
F that! Not gonna touch it
But you've got hands like a mantis!...
LOL! Hellz no!
And that may be true, but, I draw the line right there. I have complete respect for venomous snakes and I envy humans who are willing to catch them.
Found something you may be more comfortable with.... but I'll post it tomorrow night.
Where did you learn to catch these things? Just over time?
Ever get bit (poisonous or not)?
Just something I picked up over time. I have never been bit by a venomous snake.
If you want Rattlesnakes, come to Texas.
Jeez this scared the shit out of me... U're a strong man @papa-pepper ... Some snakes are beautiful but extremely dangerous too.
Beautiful and dangerous? That's what first attracted me to @mama-pepper!
This is scaring papa hope to learn from you, i dont think i can do this, am always scare of snake hope your day has be fine stil expecting your message
Oh wow @papa-pepper...Snakes again with @little-peppers. I just wrote about you guys on my last post where i talked about "Fear".
I love you guys!
Keep steeming!
This snake are scaring but how come they can't bite you because if by see something similar here I will run away because in our country here we see them as dangerous animal
This is an experience Sir. You must be very experienced to have faced of this venomous snake. I commend your adventurous and confident ability. @papa-pepper.
that was scary!
Nice! I still have yet to catch a rattlesnake. I did catch a huge, almost 6 foot long black rat snake today. I'm still taking pictures and haven't got the pictures uploaded yet but when I do I'm planning on entering it into this weeks photo contest.
Cool! Love those Black Rat Snakes, and I just caught my first Coachwhip!
I had to watch this to see what they look like. A neighbor of ours opened
a toolbox drawer in her shed and one of those was in the drawer.
How do you know they won't come back to your place when you take
them away? and they come in black and the lighter color?
thanks papa-pepper for another exciting video!howdy @papa-pepper jeez not another snake!
I take them far enough away that they won't make it back. Also, check your comment on the @armadilloman post, as I made you an offer.
how far away is that?
uh ok, I'm heading to the other post now sir.
Couple miles.
if you had said Canada, I would have believed you.
I still don't think I would grab it, but it's cool that you relocate them rather than killing them. They probably help keep down the mice and such, but they could also hurt one of the kids. That wouldn't be good.
I like that you call you kid "child" in the video. :D
This looks so beautiful!
The patterns and scales ,it left baffled.
I'm always amazed with snakes but i have a phobia in touching them
You must remain cautious,Because this is a poisonous snake.
Oh it is very attractive but you are very brave to catch it. I am not sure that I would have tried, but it obviously needed to be removed.
You may have them. The closest I get to a rattlesnake is by making a wallet of one.
Qué susto. Hay que tener cuidado con las serpientes. Lo bueno es que se alimentan de ratas.
Snakes are fascinating enemies. Cute even in their own ways I'd say.
We still should avoid showing these pictures to Samuel A. Jackson I guess.
Apapun jenis binatang panjang, saya sangat takut, apalagi ular.
You caught it? You are the man!
Glad that you could relocate him without injury to any party! I don't like venomous snakes hanging around the homestead. Always afraid that smaller kids or animals will get bitten. And I don't know enough on how to handle them safely so I usually call a neighbour who does:)