
There have been accidents. People hit deer all the time. I've seen them total vehicles with a single impact. We have a law that says if you hit a deer while driving and it's not hunting season, you can call the game warden and take it home with you. Meat for the winter. Of course, you have to have your car repaired so the deer meat can offset that expense.

Yesterday, my wife and I went for a walk. We were about half a mile from the house and saw a couple of deer grazing in a farmer's field. They just look at you and keep eating.

It is very fascinating how people live on different sides of the world. Must be a big deer to total a car during the collision. I'm thinking that a lot of vehicles there install bull bars to lessen damage to vehicles. You mentioned you saw deer grazing in a farmer's field. Hope they are not becoming too much of a problem for farmers.

The farmers build the deer into their business model. They lose so much per year on deer feeding, but they know that going in. And it's fairly predictable.

Yes, a good size deer can do some damage. My mother-in-law just spent $5,000 repairing her front end because of a deer. A lot of people just drive bigger vehicles. I hit one once driving a Suburban. A HUGE deer ran out in front of me, trying to cross the road, and I couldn't stop in time. I smacked him with my front grill. The only damage was a punctured radiator, which I noticed a couple of days later. The deer didn't walk away.