I eat eggs! I don't eat dogs, cats, monkeys ( the list is long) nor human beings.
Its brutal to strangle, beat and slaughter any "BEEING"
I do not live in the " WILD" and have to struggle for survival in nature.
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So you do not eat chicken meat, you only eat chicken eggs?
And as far as the idea of strangling, beating, and slaughtering any being, empirical science shows more and more each day that plants, and the entire vegetable kingdom, display signs of consciousness, and they without a doubt have a pain response system.
Struggling for survival in the forest is only different from survival in the city in that we've caged and boxed everything in. We are not separate from nature but rather we are an intrinsic part of nature, so we are always surviving IN nature.
The only difference between a dog, a chicken, and a tomato is the mind set you use to recognize such.
Why We need to save THE BALI DOG , possibly the oldest breed in the world???
OK , I understand already what you try to explain. I still would not eat dogs.