Walk cycle animation

in #animation8 years ago (edited)

Above is the link to the looped animation as well as my instagram, if anyone knows another way to post video based art to Steemit the knowledge would be greatly appreciated.
This is a short walk cycle loop created by myself and Solomon. Solomon and I are Cleveland/Columbus based artists and are currently working on a futuristic horror story. Our process for creating this animation is that I do all the base movements for the animations and Solomon goes over top of the animation with the character details in blue. I am primarily an animator with some illustrator prowess, but Solomon is as good as it gets when it comes to comic art and illustration in general. I'm currently only posting art once a day to have a steady flow of content available to publish for the many weeks to come, I hope you enjoy our work and feel free to comment with any critiques or tips that you may have to help us. I would love to get a discussion going on some fundamentals of animation, cinematography, and illustration if any are willing to be apart of such a discussion, brainstorming is essential to story development and I would love to hear your feedback as well as ideas you have for your own worlds, maybe I can share some insights that you can expand upon in your works and vise versa, I'll be making a separate post more in depth on that however, for now, please enjoy, and leave a like and a follow and I will be sure to follow back, thanks, and have a great day,