We continue the discussion about the dragonball super episode, on a previous episode we know that goku has transformed into a super saiyan god, turned out to control the incredible power that is not easy and now beerus will fight with seriously, will goku be able to win against it ?..

Hello fans of anime and steemian, back again with me @erjaoktafian who always will keep discussing about the story of the anime dragonball super and how do you think for yesterday's episode? .. I hope you all keep on following this anime story.

Explosions from kamehame goku resulted in the presence of damage to the bulma’s aircraft, so it can not fly with the maximum, they all want to see goku fight should be flying higher again. Gohan asked if could not be faster again, bulma looks annoyed and says if you want to hurry why not fly it, there is truth to what is said bulma guys, but it turns out gohan has run out of KI.
Then picollo feel that their KI was due to perform the ritual of the calling of the super saiyan god and none of them could join the fight, which they rely on now is son goku.

Finally, the battle between the gods begins, son goku first advanced quickly attacked beerus and all attacks goku now unavoidable by the beerus, look here beerus beaten by goku with incredible speed.

It turns out that all attacks goku above has no effect on the beerus, he only provoke goku to see his strength. Now it's back to attack goku and its attack is inevitable. Goku says attack beerus wonderful, then beerus gives a little gift which is an attack that goku is greater than ever before. Does goku is able to hold it again? ... Let's discuss guys.

Beerus said it was the Special Ministry of it and whether it is heavy for goku? Look here goku trouble holding the attack beerus. It seems that the present strength is indeed much more powerful than before, but it turns out with all the strength of goku to hold and eventually the attack was successfully detonated. At the same time, bulma were in the plane asking if they could not find KI goku to track? Gohan and the others really don't get a feel for KI of the God. But goten seen the light like was doing fight and right, it is goku and beerus.

Bulma was amazed by the light that arose from the fight goku and beerus, gohan said it's not the time to be amazed and must be immediately to the location where the fight. Finally gohan can see his father and goten was seen admiring the greatness of his father. Picollo also did not think if the goku balanced against the god of destruction.

Do you guys know guys? ... This is something that is not fair according to goku, why? ... it turns out still not yet use all its power. Why be like that? .. beerus think if goku wasn't the type of person who could make it in fighting serious and at the same time, the ancestors of the kaioshin viewed the fight they said that beerus deliberately restrained and temples exposed to attack from goku.
Why beerus do such a thing because to help goku control power of super saiyan god perfectly, so beerus can fight seriously against goku. For what beerus doing it guys? ... likely only for having fun, but can be quite daunting if beerus fight seriously.
Unwittingly by goku, beerus that appears behind him directly attacked without the inevitable, beerus says what is it with super saiyan god? ... is it only as that ability? ...

Goku that fatigue because hit beerus look helpless, and beerus feel if goku make it sleepy. With regret beerus beating again and goku that withstand the blows beerus with upset immediately turn things around. Beerus feel if punches goku pretty well, but to fight a God of destruction, his shot above has not been strong enough to awaken beerus from his sleep.
Then with anger beerus, goku again attacked by him to carry them into space.

Goku seemed powerless due to hit beerus and he says until when goku silence like that. If goku remain silent then the beerus will be menghajarnya again and actually beerus to do not want to say that it is time to destroy the Earth. This is a very dangerous situation guys if goku has not risen as well.

It turns out that the purpose of beerus it is true as claimed by kaioshin, he deliberately made a goku in order to control the super power of god saiyan, be confused must how else so that the goku can exert its full strength.
Goku must stop beerus so that the Earth was not destroyed, but fault if all the accused beerus goku and this is a fight between the God against the gods.
Beerus will unleash his destructive power and a person like goku will not be able to withstand his attacks, then goku says if he can not hold him, the better the power of destruction that destroyed it.

Using kamehame, goku is able to destroy all the powers of destruction from beerus. But when goku had run out of power, is fast approaching the beerus goku and attacked him. Beerus feel it looks like goku is not the man who appeared in his dream and he is not the person who is beerus search.
Goku attacks affected directly beerus crashing falls to Earth, if goku undefeated guys? ... how the fate of Earth next? ... will it be destroyed? ...

Goku who slammed down to earth and drowned in the sea feel that the strength of beerus is very strong, goku never thought anyone as strong as it was in this world. Then somehow goku so start excited because dealing with people who are stronger than him and finally goku fly into space again.
Goku who arrived before the beerus then convinces her to continue the fight with the full force of super saiyan, goku that god never imagined that power greater than his estimate and beerus appreciate that great spirit of goku.

Do you guys know ... super saiyan god power still has not reached its limit, now goku will start fighting with amazing amount of power, who do you think will win this battle? .. look forward to the next episode.
Okay guys, that's all the discussion for dragonball super episode 11, keep following the next episode. For the steemians and fans of this anime thank you very much for following this discussion.
Hopefully you guys like it and want to know the next story.

Success for all of you, See you.
Do not forget to follow @erjaoktafian and upvote each of my posts, give your suggestions and comments always because it can all add to the motivation for me to keep excited in sharing an interesting anime story.
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