The Phantom Troupe is a notorious gang of thieves and murderers in the manga and anime series Hunter x Hunter. The Troupe is made up of thirteen members, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. The Troupe is led by Chrollo Lucilfer, and its other members include Feitan Portor, Shalnark, Kortopi, Machi, Nobunaga, and Franklin.
The Phantom Troupe is introduced as an enemy of the main protagonist, Gon Freecss, and the other aspiring Hunters. The Troupe is known for its ruthless and violent actions, and they are feared and reviled by many. However, as the story progresses, the true nature of the Troupe and its members is revealed, and they become more nuanced and complex.
One of the defining characteristics of the Phantom Troupe is its power and skill. The members of the Troupe are all incredibly powerful and skilled fighters, and they are proficient in the use of Nen, a unique power system that allows its users to manipulate their own life energy. Each member of the Troupe has their own unique abilities and fighting styles, making them a formidable and deadly opponent.
Another defining characteristic of the Troupe is their loyalty and camaraderie. Despite their reputation as ruthless criminals, the members of the Troupe are fiercely loyal to each other and willing to go to great lengths to protect each other. This loyalty is one of the driving forces behind the Troupe, and it is a major factor in their actions and decisions.
Overall, the Phantom Troupe is a fascinating and complex group of characters. Their power, skill, and loyalty make them a formidable and dangerous force, but they are also complex and multi-dimensional, with their own unique backgrounds and motivations. They are a key part of the world of Hunter x Hunter, and their actions and relationships with the main characters drive many of the series' most exciting and emotional moments.