So the other day I just started watching anime and i like the so far..... "One punch man" is one of the best i have seen so far
There is this episode that i have seen that he is trying ti explain how he go that strong and he explained that his secret is
Daily 10 km run
100 scts
100 pushups
100 sit ups
And i was thinking to myself is it possible for one to have this kind of training and have some visible changes
You dropped this upvote, senpai.

Once you finish that challenge, you'd go bald!! hahahahaha~
OPM is lotsa fun! (^_^)b
Haha ...... Ok i didn't think that through well
haha... :) but hey, there's no harm in trying! 😋
You forgot, you have to eat 1 banana a day and sleep without the air-conditioner or heater on. Do this every day for 3 years and you cannot skip a single day.
Running for (10km*365)3 ......thats 10950km thats like alot of running