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RE: Best Anime Action Recommendation [Must Watch For Those Who have Not Watched It Yet ]

in #anime7 years ago

Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online are some of the most popular anime so there's not point recommending them. They were a starting point for a great number of people.

I wouldn't recommend Akame ga Kill because it's a worse version of Attack on Titan.

Parasyte and Tokyo Ghoul are good recommendations next to each other, and I contrasted how they dealt with the topic of becoming a monster in my article here:

Haikyuu is a good action anime about volleyball, and one of the better sports anime out there. Black Lagoon is a fun and violent show about badasses shooting people. They're also of different styles to your recommendations so as to alleviate any potential of the genre becoming stale.


thank you for your suggestion for me @medicinemerchant