Dragon Ball Z Episode (4 )

in #anime6 years ago


give you an objective I hope that you like the story of Dragonball from thousands of AZ


This anime fantasy legendary Dragon Ball - volume Alraaaaaaaaaiah that
stunned the adults before the young and his drawings beautiful erotic story whatever I spoke not done justice to the
right of this anime Alraaaaaaia which can not be a day of The days to meet any
anime range of life .............

This speech is not only me but the view of everyone who saw this amazing Anime is
anime masterpiece frankly this anime is not described in few words and that the right to describe Fu needs to
fill page length and width , even deepen anyone to events like what I saw saw her
wa Thayer, because this takes you into the world of anime has not and will not be repeated ....... the

reason for naming this Dragon Ball name: -

There is a story called Journey to the West is a story famous Chinese hero of this story is a boy
looks like a human and has a tail and has a stick can be long and short like a stick to be
possessed by the hero Goku Goku because it was small and was red.

The name of this boy is son wokang, but this story is the origin of it is a Chinese story that has no
income in the Dragon Ball Anime later saw the famous
writer Paul Paul with the famous painter and writer: Akira Toriyama, a well-known writer in
Japan and taken from this story but changed many things in the story And changed the name of the
boy from Sun Wukang to Sun Goku and other than his race to raise the Anime stir and a
beautiful story made the origin of the Cyans as we saw and make the shape looks like a human but
the only difference was in the tail and produced manga and after the writer saw success
Which was presented by the famous manga produced amazing anime that achieved a
brilliant success and that was the collection of the story of comedy and action and entertainment and romance

and then appeared legend Dragon Paul and his parts, a Dragon Paul
ZRaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah after his appearance made an imaginary Dragon Ball myth of the
action and adventures And a bloody fight and entertainment and suspense

Blaaaaa limits .... Pursuing: I read about this story in one of the foreign sites, but I am not sure of authenticity The

most important thing in the anime is:

Dragon balls and their types: -

Dragon balls 7 balls and we can distinguish between the ball and the number of stars in which the

balls and dragon after the use of the new and dispersed and used once again and in
anime seeking the two parties are the parties of the heroes and the evil party to collect these
balls for their goals ...... .. The

dragon, which appears when collecting balls is shinlong

, and the most important characteristic of this dragon that he can not return the dead to life only once

he appears after collecting the seven balls to achieve 3 wishes for those who collect the balls ........

First we will recognize characters: Goku personal wonderful that can not be described in words his goodness and splendor so because he hero anime and And personal Rouah peaceful and Tiba is seeking to help others Besgrh and Kprhlh wonderful family ... Full name: Bardock ..

Name: Sen Goku

Type: Sayan

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Wife: Qi Qi

Sons : Goethe and Johan

Fr: Bardock

Mother: Unknown ????

About Goku:

Sons: Goku and Raditsen.

Type: Sayan

Hair Color: Black.

The color of the eyes: black

A brief about him:

a wonderful personality and strong Goku resembles the strength and form, but he was serious grandfather in the first film of Dragon Paul Z has been killed by Veriza. Full name: Chi Chi Sen: - Husband: Sen Goku - Sons: Sun Johan and Sun Guetin. - Type: From the human race. It's from the floor - Hair color: black. - The color of the eyes: Brown .. - Father: King of bulls Oaks King, who broke in the first part. Full name: Sun Johan:.

Wife: Fido Satan 's daughter.
Sons: Ban.

Type: Sayan and Ground.

Hair color: black.
Eye Color: Black.

The father: Son Goku

Mother: Che Chi ..
About Johan:

Johann like his father a beloved and entertaining and peaceful character likes to read and see because of
his mother, who wants to be so as an active role in the Anime since he was 4
years and even after he got married and became His family.

Name: Hoshi -

Wife: Andriod 18. -

Sons: Maroon.

Type: Human.

Hair color: no hair. Hahahah

eyes color: black

About Corrieren:

a good character and love appeared with Goku and Sanda since they were seven years old
He continued with him until the end of the GT which is a key character who loves Goku and helps him
in all the battles Goku has encountered.

The father of Vigita or Amir of the Caiens:

Name: Vigita or U King Vigita

Origin: King of Cyan

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Sons: Vegeta

Platoon: Sayan


There was only a few in the anime and was killed by Veriza in the film Bardock the first film. Name: Vijita Origin: Mother of the Saints Father: Vijita U Mother: Unknown Wife: Polma Boys: Transks and Bra Squad: Sayan Eye Color: Black (in all transitions except the fourth shift in Dragon Ball Z Green) Hair Color : 30 YEARS ABOUT VEGETA:

Vijeta wonderful personality was at the beginning of the enemy of Goku and the land but the research
prompted him to be one of the most ground defense with Goku and his personality loves isolation
is a secluded strong force always trained as we see in the In order to achieve
his dream to be stronger than Goku

. in the anime time when he was killed by Freeza the

second time, which was one of the most beautiful scenes of Dragonball when he sacrificed himself in order to eliminate Almagin Bo Vigita wife: Name: Bulma Breifs father: Mr. Breifs Mother: Ms. Breifs husband: Vigita type: human being from the ground pair : Vigita boys: Tranks and by road Company Profile Bulma: Bulma Lifta Smart love Alasitlaa we see in the first part to help Goku find

on the seven balls and a big role in the Anime in the second part where we see
Yamaka love and The time with him But the survival of Vijeta in her house after returning
from the battle of Veriza pushed her to love Vijeta where she saw the strong person Vtmtm and cared for
him until the end of their marriage Name: Tranx father: Vijita Earth bombing by Magen Bo Name: Andriod 18. - Husband: Kerrin. - Sons: Maroon. - Type: half a robot and half a human being. Hair color: Yellow. Eye color: black. About:

Mother: Bulma

in the last part: works in Cobsal Corbyn as Head

Hair Color: Purple, the first Sayan seen the color of his hair violets Ihah

Eye Color: durable blue

type: human and Sayan

about his life:

Tranks young man peaceful and lovable , unlike his father , who He was not peaceful at first and he was
strong and had a major role in the anime He fell twice twice in a battle of torrent, where he was killed by a
torrent of laser that penetrated his chest and did not mean it but intended to Johan and the second time he was killed

She was initially against Goku and his friends appeared in the ZZ loved Hoshi and then became his wife later she likes to fight and have high skills in the fighting.

Full Name: Andriod 17

Hair Color: Black.
Eye color: Black.

His account of him was spent in the battle in the Battle of Sail and information about him is few.

Now the story of the parts: The

Dragon Ball parts of the novel The Dragon Ball

legend contains a series of three novels
: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT,
integrated for anime has been said that there is another part of it on behalf of Dragonball EF Bs
information about a few

Nbdoelam for the first part , which Dragonball the

first part which is rarely serious and interesting and ends often funny end, but it was the beginning of the legend in part The second is the second part of Dragon Ball Z and the battle ends with the killing of Radits. At the end, Goku dies, but Radits before his death sends a message to the other fighters, Vijita and Nappa, who rush to the earth for a while to live in peace.


speak this part about Goku boylittle sevenyearold and whose goal wascollect
Dragon Balls show Bulma also Yamaka and Kriren And the most interesting in
this part is comics, funny battles and a simple easy enemy. Goku does not show
any difficulty in eliminating his enemies, but rather eliminates them easily.

Goku recognizes this part on Chi Shi and ends with the elimination of the enemy and the beautiful Goku wedding of Chi Shi, whom she loved so much in this part

mm Zaat first part:

advantagefirst part ofDragon Ball series ascomedy and funny and entertaining battles

in this part inventor inventor of anime until he produced anime This section is a
legend of beauty and unique and I will divide this part into
four axes of each axis includes a story about a specific enemy

first: the

threat of land by Alsaynz fighters:

The Abdohma axis coming of Rad_is, one of Alsaynz fighters who Wonju after the
planet exploded by Feriza this fighter came to earth in order to search for
Goku, but was surprised when he found Goku has become From the ground and a battle is taking place
Between him and Goku and Piquola, Johan, who was still four years old

and in the meantime speeds up Goku to the ground after him back to life and to reach
Alsainz fighters meet other heroes as they Kuririn and Pichola Johan and Tian
and facilities so as to save the land from Alsainz fighters , but they can not
resist in the midst of the battle comes Goku to save the situation and where he is from immediately coming
to Napa and then conduct a battle Towoowoowilh between him and Vigita ends to leave
Vigita the ground and injured GOCO injuries eloquent

This axis ends with the death of both Yamaka and Tian go Bulma and Johan and Kuririn
to Planet Namek to collect balls and re - Yamaka and Tian back to life again


Firisa: One

of the most important battles in Dragon Ball is the bloody and bloody battle of Veriza, which takes place
on the planet Namec, in which Goku, Johan, Corrien and Vigita, who rebel against
Veriza, try to fight him and help Goku in the many battles that occur with
Veriza's many followers, but he dies at the hands of Veriza Blazer Screenshot of grief
footage anime when he tells Vigita Goku that avenge him and Saynz those killed
Frirza and tears falling from his eyes pearling threaded like view sad pay Goco and aggravated the
strength and determination to eliminate Feriza and die Kuririn during the fighting also , and
after being revived Vigita and Kuririn and their return To the ground with Paula and Johan In
the meantime Goku turns into a wonderful scene to Super Saiyans for the first time and eliminates
Veriza and then explodes the planet Namik Goku goes to another planet and remain for a period of

, for the inventions of the ships of the father of Paula, who trains
Vijeta, who meets after a while to meet Goku and meet the
future Petranke, who kills Veriza and his father with one stroke, It has Jaio
to earth to avenge Alardin what he did GOCO Pfiriza which leads them to a place
Goco and of course Vigita and Bulma do not know that their son

and tell the future Tranks GOCO about the future and the danger that will threaten the earth
by a flood and tell him about his illness that will kill him as it exists in the future and is
giving it Dowa Anti-disease and tell him that these events will take place after three years
from now and

then disperse heroes for training and agree to meet after three years

Vigita to live in the house of Bolma welcomed by the most important events of the three years
is the love of Paula Vigita and interest in it until it ends with her marriage and the birth of

Axis III:

battle torrent: Meanwhile Vijeta heading to the headquarters of the bad guys on the ground , and of course is super many of the events ending the arrival of Johan to the ground (where the battle is considered Feriza starring Johan) fighting continues and kills dissuade him Tranks Blaser pierce his chest by the torrent was not meant torrent but Qsaddan affects Johanne him after fighting Goku Torrent and defeats him after a long chase I have never seen a torrent battle so all of my short events I wrote are what I know about. Axis IV

Three years later the heroes meet in the agreed place for the vision of the
enemy and eliminate it They meet another enemy, a group of bad guys who have
come to the ground to kill Goku who was attacking them (in the first part of the
cartoon) Goku initially does not see difficulty in their fight but suddenly Goku falls to the
ground and he can not move because of the illness that started in his heart In the
meantime , Vigita comes to save Goku N the hands of the bad guys Ahh who was trying to absorb
GOCO energy from it

is Yamaka transferred to his home where Goku care about Chi Chi and give it medicine

villain's Sayans. He is trying to destroy the last one, but he is surprised by the appearance of three other strong men and
they are not so real that Vijeta and those with him can not resist them.

After a few events, He is cured
of his illness (Figuata descends with Transx to eliminate him while Goku and
Johan are training on top

.) Vigita stands with Sil and supports him until he becomes a powerful torrent
after absorbing the energies of so many people of the earth that Vigita becomes
unable to fight him. Vigita ends and is familiar Of the fall Vigital on the
ground as he tries to eliminate a flood , but he can not because Tranks protect him ask
Tranks of Kuririn dimensions Vigita battlefield fighting Tranks torrent taking place
is the most beautiful for Plan in Dragon Ball Z:

a lot of shots Raaaaaaiah in this part and perhaps all the episodes are considered footage
amazing and wonderful in this part , but more frames are affected by:

Hit his son in order to keep him out of danger and tells Pichola that away and is Tranks
and Goten from the battlefield and

in the last Houdat of life Vigita filed by Bulma and Tranks and Goku

then blew himself up Balmagin Buu with brilliant smile:

shot sad Jaddaaaa with a sad melody announcing the end Vigita Alraaaaaaaia the

most important transformations This is the

Super Saiyans, the Super Saiyans 3 and the union of Vega and Goku to be Vigno the great fighter and the

Union of Goetin and Transnux to be the Guntoks of the funny fighter

The last part: The most important events after Dragon Ball Z is: Goku decided to start a new adventure Goku had a small problem On the false security of strange balls and now he has to complete his long journey in small size and Vijita became loved and cares about his family and Tranx has a company and it is

Dragon Ball GT :

Story Summary:

and one day found himself arrested by Dr. Mew Tranks in order to carry out some experiments on them and

did not stop events here Dragon balls have turned into monsters supernatural and evil Everyone
says to me before him I am stronger than you and your forehead Will you stand the problems at this point or
what and Goku will appreciate the restoration of his body and will judge the dragons These are the
events of the series And the most important thing in this part and in this part, Johann and Goethe became A
young great and Johan has become a strong girl fighter that her name and became Vigita
has a beautiful girl but do not like fighting , but the most important thing in which attention Bamadhrha

Manage it

new characters is:

Alrobort robot:


When Goku and Tranks fell and that in one of the planets this automated small meet them and continue with Ban and heroes where you love that much and care about him

and Almagin Boo which becomes more people helping people and love them and live with Almstr Satin course

of the most important Althola T. in this part:


when Goku and Vigita unite in the Super Sayan body 4 comes out the strongest fighter in the
universe is not the Hugugata strength beyond imagination No one can imagine, but there is a problem
is that the energy lasts for a short period, leading to the separation of Goku and Vigita . in the middle of the
fighting ... ........Unfortunately. The villain who disturbed and almost eliminated the heroes of the series invented by Dr. Meiered and seeks to eliminate the Cyanese and dominate the Earth.

The most important Asharah:


Veriza and Sile are back after a malfunction in the ground, and Motha comes out of
their graves, but this time Goku does not find it difficult to eliminate them together.

There are many bad guys in this part and from different planets, but most of them did not find Goku any difficulty in eliminating them

Watch From This Link https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6sm17d


Nice post! The dragonball series is my favorite anime by far, I'm a huge fan! There's a new movie launching this month "Dragonball Super: Broly." Have fun watching!!!

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