Why Like Anime?!

in #anime8 years ago (edited)


I get picked on by friends and family alike for watching anime, especially anime in subtitles. Comments include, "Why do you like watching that? It's not even in English." or " Why is that lady dressed like that?" Well, you get the picture. I guess the female characters could be wearing a bit more at times, but the main point I want to make here is that comments like that are overlooking the many good points anime has to offer.

1: Subtitles

The best way to enjoy anime without being able to speak Japanese is with subtitles. Not only are those the original voices and how they were meant to be heard, but I also personally think Japanese voices sound cooler than the English-dubbed voices. Most of the time the English-dubbed voices mess up or don't convey the emotion as well as the original voices do. Also, depending on the translator, you can get good and bad translations when is dubbed or subbed. Not only that, but it can take a long while for dubbed episodes to come out. Why wait?

2: Emotion

The emotion shown and delivered in most anime and animation in general can really get you, especially with something like anime where there are usually a lot of episodes that keep you more invested in the story and characters. Even though it may not count as anime, per say, Avatar the Last Air Bender series has so much personality and emotion between characters. It is hard not to fall in love with everything the show has to offer.

3: Length of Seasons

While I know there are non-animated shows that can go on for many seasons, there is a vast quantity of anime series that can go on forever. For some people that's a bad thing, but I love it when a show that I love lasts for a long time, further developing the story and characters. It gets to a point where you start to think of the characters as real people, which just pulls you into the story even more.

4: The Possibilities of Animation

Quite simply, the possibilities of anime are endless and limitless. Actual humans cannot do what animation can, and that's why animation exists. Anime is full of so many possibilities, which is why I watch it. I love seeing my favorite characters persevere through situations that are highly stacked against them, pressing on despite the weight of the world on their shoulders. Exciting isn't it?!

5: Japan

Japan, to me, has one of the most interesting cultures. A lot of their normal television shows are anime and they are very good at what they do. With so much variety in anime, it can be hard to choose and keep up with all the shows you want to watch, but that also means that there is a show that will catch your fancy. If not, wait a bit and see. I'm sure what you would enjoy is coming soon.

Thanks for reading! Upvote, comment, and follow, and let me know what you love about anime!


I think anime differs, maybe better than comics that the characters move and they got voice actors ('seiyuu') to make them actually speaks with voice

Yeah some are done better that others.

I think your content is amazing... check out mine would love to hear your views.

Will do and I would love if you upvote mine as well.

Yes of course. Return the love

Hi ScorchDojo,

I love Anime !!

Berserk is my favorite Anime!

That's one I actually haven't seen yet. Not that I haven't wanted too. Be sure to upvote if you liked the post

I think you missed the classical Anime setup. Usually is high school, teenagers, day at the beach, and even the cultural things like, the summer celebrations, the festivities at school, and the classical food like octopus balls and fried squid, fun activities like maid cafe.
high school

thanks for commenting I would love to try some Japanese food it always looks so good.

we had an otaku community where I live that they get together to try to get some japanese cooking, is a challenge to cook all the dishes since the products are scarce. But we manage. Some guys went even as far as to put their own Otaku food restaurant, much better than the usual commercial Japanese restaurant.

Oh man that looks amazing my mouth is watering!

There are so many good anime films. I have to admit, it's not all my cup of tea, but then you have films like Aikira, Ghost in the Shell, Spirited Away, Blood, Applesseed.....

Haven't seen most of those but I will have to check them out. Thanks for commenting And reblogging!

Hello, @ scorchdojo
I love anime and animation like nobody else on this planet. I used to think dub version is better than sub when I started to watch anime. But I was wrong. As you mentioned, their voice actors are far better, their feelings, etc etc.

English dub version would never be good as Japanese Voice actors. Just listen to the scream of Goku in Japanese and English and you know.

Hey, @scorchdojo if possible, take a look at my posts on my account.

I'm anime lover, beginner 2D animator (eat-sleep-breathe-dream animation)

Thanks for the comment, I followed you keep up the good work looking forward to seeing more of your drawings!