Many of us felt sad when we heard Dragonball Super will end, the ending was very awesome with Goku completing his Ultra form, and universe 7 won the tournament and Android 17 making his wish to revive all erased universes. But then we wanted more Dragonball dose and finally we have this awesome news that a new anime series titled "Super Dragon Ball Heroes" is confirmed, and a trailer is on YouTube.
Check out this trailer, which I bet many hard-core fans have already checked.
This new series will feature a lot of "time machine" and "fusions" and what I'm more excited to see is Goku fighting Goku. And no, this time it won't be anything like Goku black where Zamasu stealing Goku's body but rather Goku using time machine and fight with his own past self.
And I'm hoping to see Goku Vegeta potara fusion in Super Saiyan Blue form, and fusions of Vegeta and Trunks, as well as Trunks and Gohan.
This new series will be full of crazy shits and I'm desperately waiting for the first episode.
I remember I was a teenage boy when I first saw Dragonball Z and now as an adult I'm still that much of a fan of Goku..
Good post
I was a Tin Tin fan and still can watch and read them for hours! Nice post 👍
I was not a big fan of Tin Tin but I did read few chapters and saw a couple of episodes.. but you might get stabbed by hard-core otaku if you compare Tin Tin with Dragonball Series.. lol just a joke
I can see we haven't grown up! :))
did you like Tom and Jerry
every kid I think... so did I!
but they were not my fav... I preferred blake edward's Pink Panther!
Goku will not be fighting his past self, it will be an alternate universe.
Oh ok? I wasn't sure if its alternative universe or timeline
It is technically a different timeline. Although I heard it's not even the goku from GT. It's supposed to be Xeno Goku.

For now i will just skip all the spoilers and wait till the anime arrive and let the unknown make me doki doki
Can’t wait for this new dragonball
I heard it will be on air this July.