5 Centimeters per Second - Review📝✏️

in #anime8 years ago

Hey! They say it's 5 centimeters per second.'
'Huh? What is?'
'The speed of falling cherry blossoms petals. It's 5 centimeters per second.'

These words begin my favorite animated film - "5 Centimeters per Second" directed by Makoto Shinkai. It was released in 2007 and got Asia Pacific Screen Awards and Lancia Platinum Grand Prize.

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The plot consists of three stories - excerpts from Takaki Tōno's life.

Episode 1: Cherry Blossom. Takaki is 12-13 years old.

Young Takaki Tōno and Akari Shinohara are best friends. After the summer, she is forced to leave for Tokyo. Akari writes him sad letters filled with tender feelings. She describes her days and feelings so subtly and secretly that it becomes embarrassing to look at all this. Observe the development of so many tender childish feelings as if to look through keyholes.

Now it's time for Takaki to transfer to another school. He's going to Kagoshima because of his parents' work. Realizing that now they will be too far apart, Takaki decides to go to her for the last time. His train was delayed for three hours due to a snowfall. But Akari waited for him.

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She took him to the cherry blossom tree only instead of the petals snow fell.

This episode began with the cherry blossom, there it ended. But in the beginning, it is a beautiful flowering plant and at the end - a sleeping one, covered with snow flakes.

Their childhood ended in understanding the inevitability of fate.

Episode 2: Cosmonaut. Takaki is about 17-18 years old.

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A further move to the island Tanegashima where the space center is located. He no longer sends letters to Akari but sometimes Takaki begins to text something but without sending to anybody. His classmate Kanae Sumida is in love with him, but he does not respond to her feelings. Space theme, nostalgia, suspense and constant sadness accompany Tataki. Kanae realized that something has irretrievably left his soul. She can not cure him.

The start of the rocket ends the second episode. It symbolizes their step into the future. Their whole lives ahead of them.

Episode 3: 5 Centimeters per Second. Takaki is about 25-30 years old.

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Takaki lives and works in Tokyo. The episode begins with falling cherry blossoms petals. They symbolize Akari's appearance. He's emotionally closed off. He had broken up with his girlfriend and isn't able to work anymore. He stands on top of the cliff.

Makoto Sinkaya has a definite theme that sets the stylistics for his each film: "The Place Promised in Our Early Days" are clouds, "The Garden of Words" is rain, and in "5 Centimeters per Second" is cherry blossoms and therefore the whole story is shown mainly in pinkish violet tones. The director made this film with great love and it can be seen in every detail. This is the most beautiful animated film that I've ever seen.
He also accurately reproduced the city of Tokyo. Visualization is bordering on fantasy. For example, the picture of the ending scene:

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or a train station:

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As I said, there are a lot of details in the film. There are no minor things here, everything plays a very important role. Everything has its own meaning. For example, the names of the main characters. Takaki Tōno - Tōno means "distant" and Akari Shinohara - Akari means "shine, light". Takaki beckons to the light of Akari like a butterfly. His soul can not find rest without her. But he does not dare to insane deeds. He became an ordinary person who wanders in the crowd with others like him. Once he did a crazy thing - he took a train and went to the other side of the country. It won't happen again, Takaki can not even send a message.
Watching cartoons, we expect fun with a little morality. But Japanese cartoons are not like that. These are the same films just animated. Despite the impressive visualization, 5 Centimeters per Second has a deep meaning. We grow up and our spontaneity and desire to believe in a dream go away. Day follows day, we think how to earn, how to stand out among colleagues. Taxes, debts, bills - all this turns us into zombies without feelings. But inside there's that little child. We hear his whisper from time to time. We see something through the veil. What does he tell us? Live to be happy. 5 Centimeters per Second tells us what will happen if you do not listen to your inner voice.
It's not easy to write about this film. All that remains after viewing is the pain of the lost. Beautiful and mesmerizing landscapes, magic music, mature dialogues and monologues and a flow of feelings. 5 Centimeters per Second is like an exhibit in the museum, we can only admire it.



The music was written by a Japanese composer Atsushi Shirakawa who is widely known as Tenmon.

Song Title:

00:00 01. Oukashou /桜花賞
04:45 02. Omoide wa Tooku no Hibi /想い出は遠くの日々
06:28 03. Shousou /焦燥
07:40 04. Yuki no Eki /ゆきのえき
09:59 05. Kiss
13:10 06. Kanae no Kimochi /鼎の気持ち
14:58 07. Yume /ゆめ
16:39 08. Sora to Umi no Shi /空と海の誌
18:41 09. Todoke Kanai Kimochi /届かないきもち
20:21 10. END THEME
23:13 11. One more time, One more chance Piano ver.

Ending scene 'One more time, One more chance' with English subs:

A singer Masayoshi Yamazaki dedicated this song to a break with the girl. I liked the comment under this video "One more time, one more depression")).

Before concluding, I wish to warn you. Please don't watch 5 Centimeters per Second at the start of the day. Maybe you have to sit and cry for a bit, get over it. Watch this anime in the evening, please. And pay attention to Takaki's voice. He grew up and his voice did not change. I hope after watching you will guess why.

That's it! Thank you for reading my post! Please share your favorite anime in comments.


good post and I am upvote you ;) upvote me please https://steemit.com/cry/@angami/don-t-cry-my-little-child

One more time, one more depression

Или еще раз на те же грабли)

))))). Или так)

I've had really nice time reading your review! impeccable

thank you so much! hope you have time take a look at this movie unless of course, you haven't done that already.

I haven't but it sounds like fun, so may be I'll check it out

Great cartoon! Watched it a couple of times. Don't think that I've seen anything like it.

well the director is young enough so maybe we'll see one more masterpiece)

Fingers crossed :)

Very Interesting story.. love it! Thanks for sharing...

thank you so much @piyushkansal!

beautiful story, nice post zazaum ! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

Very beautiful story. I've never watched anime before, but this description reveals a depth of plot I never knew one possessed. The photos are intriguing. Great review.

thank you so much! You should give this anime a chance). It's really beautiful. Anyway you can check out works by Hayao Miyazaki, his "Spirited Away" won Oscar if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, Hayao Miyazaki is an honored director.