I have written many white-papers and concepts, but was never ready to finally launch the anime token. This is the last one. New updates will be posted every Friday.
Updated vision from tribe token to fund token
The original vision for Anime Token was to have it be a tribe token. The vision for the tribe was to onboard users and support the posting of anime content through Proof Of Brain style reward system. During the many years of not officially launching, many things have happened which changed the vision.
One major influence on the vision change is SPI and the rise of other Hive backed income tokens. Tribes ended up becoming less popular, and there are more income or fund tokens.
Anime Tokenomics
The original maximum issuance of animetoken is 99,000,0000 tokens. There are 9000 anime tokens in circulation under @animetoken account which is the issuing account. The account will distribute to markets and team accounts according to these percentages.
Distribution use | Number of tokens | percentage |
Hive Engine market public sale | 4500 | 50% |
Public sales or EVM derivative purchase | 2700 | 30% |
Team allocation | 1800 | 20% |
EVM and other blockchain derivatives
The derivatives are called Hive Anime Tokens as not to confuse the market for other anime projects.
The general derivative issuance on any blockchain is to have a supply of 9,000,000 tokens. The price at launch on a new chain will be equivalent to .001 Hive in USD at time of liquidity offerings most of the time. There will always be a graph showing token distributions if launched in an unusual way.
Derivative tokens can be exchanged from 1000 Hive Anime Tokens on EVM to 1 Anime Token on Hive given there is enough Anime tokens liquid on Hive.
Fund details
Animetoken focuses on investing anime themed or anime related cryptocurrency. The investing portfolio has not been finalized as of when this post is written. There are a few portfolio ideas, but none have been finalized. The Anime token 1/31/2024 post will have the first iteration of fund allocation.
Anime themed tokens are quite volatile from fund allocation research. Animetoken will eventually be fully backed 1 Hive, 1 anime token. All profits from fund will be used to purchase Hive and back the tokens at the start with contributions from benefactors as well.
Token sale details
7200 tokens will be going onto the market once this post goes live. 2250 tokens will be sold at a major discount. The discounts will be announced in short form posts with a link to this page.All the rest will be sold at 1 Hive.
All animetoken buys means purchasing anime themed tokens using funds raised.
What's the plan for the funding? Something similar to DUO and/or DAB?
A few details is missing here in my opinion.
It sounds exciting though! 💯
I can't believe I forgot this, but the plan is to purchase anime related tokens from the Hive raised. The 9000 Hive backing comes from both profits from the anime related tokens as well as my own contributions.