Public and role-playing games

in #annieroxxie6 years ago

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Public games

Sexual games that unfold in front of other people, are not necessarily strange and pretentious. The chosen action can be quite simple, but the fact that everything happens in a public place adds to it.

  • Wearing a skirt without panties.
  • Wearing under clothes anal plugs.
  • No bra under the jacket.

Of course, no one prevents you from moving on, and being out of the house, to complement your erotic games, for example, fingering, manual stimulation of the penis, sexual intimacy without penetration and even directly sex, if all of the above is not strange enough for you.

Playing in public does not mean that you need to go outside. They also refer to:

  • Record on video or stream in real time, when other people will be able to see how you and your partner pleasuring each other.
  • Upload your porn photos to the Internet, which will be stored in the public domain. This article was discussed several times already, but still please note. Any games of this kind should not be associated with a violation of the law.


Role play

Have you ever dreamed of having sex with a fireman? Can be imagined how the Director scolds you? Have you ever thought about how to become a sexy Secretary for your boss? All these ideas relate to role-playing games, so let your fantasies out and implement them, what could be more unusual? The ideas below will help you find inspiration:

  • Blackmail;
  • Forced sex;
  • The payment of the debt with the help of sexual services;
  • Pornstar, stripper or call girl;
  • Massage to finish at any cost;
  • Your innocence is stolen by someone more experienced...or you steal your partner's innocence;
  • Strangers in the bar;
  • Celebrity or celebrity date;
  • Bored housewife or householder;
  • You or your man on duty: firefighter, policeman, doctor, courier, corrupt lawyer, Professor, coach, slave owner;
  • You or your man are in a dependent position as a criminal, student, Intern, slave, etc.

Surely you have your own fantasies, which only need to tell a man and try to implement. Do not limit yourself to the ideas presented in the list.

Finally, it is important to understand that the performance of your role as a stripper, and a man-client feels a little strange and unnatural. It's a staged role-playing scenario, and excitement is a natural part of it. The main thing is that you both can laugh and enjoy what is happening.

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