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RE: Psychological problems of sexuality of modern man.

in #annieroxxie6 years ago

Yes, when you mentioned education... hahaha, I remember my supposedly liberal and enlightened upbringing, giving me clear and unbiased information regarding anatomy, menstruation, conception, gestation, birth, etc. But when it came to masturbation, homosexuality, fetishes, etc, to say the pleasurable part of sexuality, I was confronted with a wall of shame. On part of the prude adults, to be exact, who thought of themselves to be so progressive and open-minded! Because other kids my age, both boys and girls, had the same questions, and we were not inhibited by bashfulness. Plus, pornography was just around the corner (though only in analogous form, before the internet) and we could draw our own conclusions form that.Oh, such a great reading! Thanks for sharing, @annieroxxie!