Woah, those look really good (though not quite as cute as the ones from your NFT Bakery) and I want one! I am glad that you are survived the cupcake as well... it sounds like you are well on your way to a speedy and complete recovery!
As you probably know, "cakeday" as the name for an account's anniversary began on Reddit because of the slice of cake that appears next to your name on those days. It feels a bit strange to wish a non-Redditor a happy cakeday when no such slice of cake appears here (well, I guess on the block explorer it does, but that doesn't count :P) and yet "Happy Hive Account Creation Anniversary (Well, It Was Called Something Else Then Which We Both Know And Won't Discuss, But Realistically It'd Get Tiring To Specify That Each Time I Talk About Hive Before The Chain Split [But I'm Still Doing It])!!!" just seems so long-winded.
So since there are cupcakes here I will instead just say Happy Cup-Cakeday ^_^ and, I am really glad your confidence is improving. You've always been brilliant, you just haven't always known! It sounds like there may be more watercolours coming soon? :o I am excited to think about it :)
How has Hive changed your life?
Hmm, tough question :P I'll have to think about that one ;)
Great choice for the song of the day. A bit thematic, no? Fun fact: I can play the keyboard solo from that song :D and that's pretty much the height of my repertoire, but hey, it's something!
Complete recovery would be if I did not get nausea in the mornings or pain sometimes and I could have coffee, but unfortunately no coffee for me. I tried two days in a row and both days I felt the shittiest I've been the whole recovery time. I also felt nausea from two table spoons of honey xD Like, I felt like I was about to puke or something.
What's Hive without community, right? Since community moved here, I don't feel like much change other than the name, but the idea is the same and therefore I don't feel like going in detail about Hive's history, if it makes sense. I've been part of this community for 4 years xD I think.
It is difficult for me to see that while I am working. I am extremely hard on myself. The worst critic. You know? I see it only later when I have forgotten about what details I was struggling with and what I would have done differently, when I forget about imperfections and look at something thinking like - wtf, how did I do this and why the fuck I was not happy with it in some way? Like when I take that pile of works, and look at them, I am proud. I really am.
Is it really that tough? :P
Hey, one day when I have a guitar and learn how to play, you will play the keyboard solo and I will do the guitar solo and we can start a band! ^^ Deal?
Well, you're still recovering after all. Let's hope the coffee and honey will be fine someday too. When was the last time you tried those?
I feel really detached from the Hive community lately because, well, I have been. You'd think being stuck alone and inside all the time would have strengthened my online bonds, but honestly this past year and a half or so I've just retreated into my shell most of the time. It's still got a place in my heart and I'm still involved on the technical side as a witness operator and also taking care of a lot of @curangel stuff, but I'd be surprised if the majority of people here even know or remember that I exist.
Glad you can be proud of your works. You should be.
Well, one life-changing thing that happened here, which seems unlikely to have happened anywhere else, was that I made contact with an alien and got abducted. A+++++, would recommend. Aliens make great travel companions, and they're extremely cute. I hope to get beamed up again soon...
Anyway, if you learn guitar, I'll brush up my keyboards and maybe I can try to learn bass. We can both do vocals, but I can't sing and play anything at the same time so we'll have to work around that limitation. @cuddlekitten seems ready with the guitar, but I think we're more in need of a drummer.
About a week ago. I guess I could try one now as I need some energy to bake cinnamon buns in the middle of the night since that is the only cool period in my home xD Will report back later.
Well. I think, that everything needs to be in a balance. It can't be just everything online. Everything online makes me mostly feel lonely. I dunno. Maybe I am strange that way.
I remember and I am sure others do too unless they have gotten busy with life or have taken off from this place. It is sad that it happens. You are still doing important things for Hive, but I do miss your blogging and I hope you will start again some day :*
Hehe! Soon indeed.
Why not, right? Better late than never. Guitar is one of those things and it will happen. It has to. It is part of my bucket list xD