Gamer tag: TeamRocketCam
Years streaming: 2
Favorite video game franchise(s): Resident Evil, Pokemon, Mario Kart and Party, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Power Stone, Marvel Vs Capcom, Sonic, Gauntlet, NFL Blitz, Crazy Taxi.
Primary hobbies: Roller Blading, Biking, Gym, Technology such as coding and digital photography.
When asked about what he wants to accomplish during his time with Mazer, TeamRocketCam had this to say, “As a streamer, receiving recognition from Team Mazer has fueled my desire to continue producing content. My primary objective is to honestly grow and learn more from others, and to strive to create an environment that makes me feel as though I am hanging out with a group of my childhood friends.”
You can find TeamRocketCam’s social’s here:
Twitter: ++
Twitch: ++