anonymous posts and the rules of the internet, by UNIRock

in #anon7 years ago

The rules of the internet… well.. The rules of anonymous image boards like 4chan, 8chan, and others are known. Its like an obvious thing once you exist inside the web of electric impulses for awhile you can see them in use, its almost… beautiful.

But as rule number 43 states ...

  1. The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it

The rules themselves have been corrupt since inception

  1. There are no real rules about posting

And the more rules you read the more you realize that by rule 25, the rule is self justified

  1. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post

A new trend has flooded anonymous image boards like 4chan and 8chan with new posters, new lurkers (readers), and new anons. There is something really effective about the Hive mind created by so many people posting on image boards. It allows for new people that have a piece of the puzzle being investigated to drop that piece onto the board in an instant. Then the other anons (depending if they find it relevant or not) will add it to their lists and continue the puzzle. This allows for alot of interesting twists and turns in the discussion and in most situations real things end up happening.

Take for instance an anon known as #5thaveanon that I have been reporting on over the last couple months. 5thave figured out a terrifying fact about schools being set up in the E.U. that teach occult principles to kids from kindergarten up to adulthood at college level. 5thave didn’t just go to 4chan and tell everyone what he had discovered,,, he started on 4chan from the very first thing he found and put it out in a single post. Like a teacher, or instructor he would respond to the anons who found the next piece of the puzzle and let them know that they were on track, and maybe even drop another clue onto the board so that he could “steer” the anons toward the next correct path.

This is the process of the anonymous research board.

Another very interesting thing happens at this stage of the game though. I know some of you are asking yourselves,

“What if an anon finds something new that is very significant while following 5thave?” See, this is the beauty of the anonymous board, much more is discovered and found through this process. 5thave isn’t only dropping clues (or crumbs) for the anons, he is also using their research to further his own research as it goes. For all we know he may find something new because of a post that an anon responds to and then alter the trail he has created in real time.

Thus we have the every molding, ever expanding hive mind giving and taking, and taking and giving, over and over and over.

This process goes so many ways. Alot of times it gets of track, and alot of times it is steered back by a good Leakers/baker whatever you yourself choose to call the leader.

So in all reality the effectiveness of the 5thaveanon boards are dependant on 5thave himself and how he steers the research.

There is an interesting fact about 5thave though… he doesn’t identify himself with a tripcode.

Alot of times at the end of a post you know its the leader because of how they talk, the things they are dropping, and how he signs his post at the bottom. The thing that made 5thave truly effective was that for the part of it while i followed him (with the help of neon revolt of neon he didnt use a tripcode and alot of times didn’t sign the bottom of the posts with anything if ever. This brings up several good points.

That many of the posts that led somewhere where most likely not from the same person that started it, its just that the effective posts are the posts that the group assigns to be from 5thaveanon,

And also, it is most likely that 5thave is not a single same person. Even more truly beautiful still 5thave is the combination of all those people that post on the board and when one of them find the next piece of the puzzle, and post it anonymously, that post that they submitted becomes so important that it becomes 5thaveanon himself in the minds of the hive members.

In all reality, as much as everyone wants to believe that 5thaveanon is one person with the best information putting out great info that leads people to the next place that fact is simply not true.

It goes against the very nature of how this all works to label 5thave a single person, give 5thave a tripcode, and make them something more than the hive mind. The reason that this fact destroys the whole project? Once you elevate a leaker to the level of being identified it takes that leaker out of the hands of the anons themselves, it takes the leaker out of the hive mind. Thus making one person having to know the best things and drop those things when they see fit.

You can see how this corrupts the concept… and also stops all further research from coming together. Because since a leaker is really not one person, and the leaker becomes all the posts from the anons that work tirelessly all day and night reading every post on the board, researching those posts out, and then finding the next step.

The trend I mentioned in the very beginning that is driving people to the boards started out in the way of all the other great anonymous projects of the past. At a stage though, we saw something truly strange happen.

Remember rule 43?

  1. The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it

Someone did corrupt a beautiful anonymous project on 4chan. They created a new board, turned on tripcodes (essentially a password protected name for the anonymous leaker) locked out all the other anons from posting, and this thief gave himself the role of the leaker. He started putting out a crafted narrative of his own inside the “crumbs” he dropped. While also in the background, he contacted youtubers, website admins, and social media (mostly twitter) personalities telling them that if they did posts and videos on his new hijacked project that they would be rewarded with subscribers/followers/benefits. This person we will call the “tripthief” promised them a trend that would bring them fame and money.

Around this time the tripthief was chased off of 4chan. The real anons out there understood all of this about the projects they took part in, and they new what the result would be. They have a name for it… they call the triptheives “famefags” (just lingo from the board itself).

The triptheif was forced to do a thing that no anon would ever consider doing, he was forced to go to 8chan and carry on there… 8chan being know as the reject image board of the internet by 4chan memebers. (dont let yourself think that though, i mean… 8chan has a good purpose right? Yea 8chan was a copy of 4chan and basically segregated anons away from a unified platform to band together and do good things, but you shouldnt hate on 8chan… right???)

I’ll leave the story here for the moment. This is all true and kind of unspoken. Its one of those things on 4chan… that you know you are playing a role of an investigator, and if you get a really good piece of research you are rewarded with being eternally honored as having your post becoming part of the leakers own words. All happening Live, in action… this role play while being something that we all know isn’t necessarily real, at the end of the whole thing.. If done right exposes things that noone would have ever found their own in a very fast way… but if a LARP (which by the way isnt an insult, or a bad thing to call something) is corrupted by someone breaking the unspoken rules of the internet according to rule 16

  1. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure
  2. Every win fails eventually

According to this rule you could still win while failing,,

That is unless, you are doing it for fame and money,,,

Then you just are well… you know


Has anyone heard of Discordianism? Have you met our lord and saviour the big giant apple?
