So you're registering shitloads of accounts with random names and fake facebook accounts, draining the faucet and then selling them for next to nothing ?
I've been watching this happen on steemviz in huge batches, day in day out for ages now. Not cool. And now I see you're advertising it on the steemit subreddit. I've spam-binned your post there because I believe this is or should be against the rules as its harmful to steemit overall and a drain on SP.
Users that want to legitimately purchase accounts can do so through anonsteem, where the accounts are actually paid for and not acquired via fraud.
@dantheman @ned @smooth @abit @blocktrades - Thoughts ?
what a idiot
My #1 issue with this is the preregistration of names - if you dissapear all of those names are permanently gone.Dont we all .. How many accounts do you have now between this account and @steemitmarket ?
I dont want to see that happen either .. Not sure what the policy should be on this in general, I'm sure you're not the only person doing this :(