Question: "do pets, like cats and dogs, see spirits?"
Answer: Based off of our research, animals definitely notice something that the human eye and human ear have trouble registering. On multiple occasions we have found, as well as many other teams, that when an animal is acting strange it is a good indication that a spiritual entity may be present. Many teams have documented more video, photographs and audio of spiritual entities just by going off what they are witnessing the animal doing. (i.e. barking at the wall with nothing noticeably there.)
Question: "What will happen to the Demonic spiritual entities when the New Kingdom begins?"
Answer: There will be peace for up to 1,000 years with Christ in the New Kingdom. Outside of the kingdom is a different story. Based off of scripture, when Christ was on Earth over 2,000 years ago he had power through his Father over the demons and Satan. He could tell them to go away and they would leave. After everything that mankind goes through in the end of days, it would be a period where Christ can educate those who have passed judgement and get humanity back on track. Even if demons made the attempt to go after those who were in the New Kingdom, the people who are chosen are already more enlightened and with the presence of Christ on top of that, it certainly won't do them any good. Of course there is another test after the 1,000 years in which it is said that all of the evil will fail. Imagine what humanity would've been like if Christ from 2,000 years ago had been with all of those people for 1,000 years instead of just over 30 years. Peace and love forever! In the future I will be doing an article about the New Kingdom as depicted in the Bible. I hope you look forward to that!
Question: "Why or how does the name of power effectively combat negative entities?"
Answer: There is not much data that we have received in regards to this aside from what we read in scripture. We do know that if the proper name of Christ is invoked, the demons run in fear. In scripture as soon as Christ asked demons to identify themselves when they had possessed someone they begged Christ not to cast them to a dreadful place, but instead into an animal. We have had Intuitive Consultants say they have witnessed angels arrive and remove them from the area once Christ's name had been invoked during a cleansing. I can not confirm this on scientific level though. Personally, I am going to research this further and get back to you on it. It is something that is truly fascinating and deserves to be looked at more thoroughly!
Thank you all for the great questions!
Dr. John Foldy supporting Uini Research.
I claim neither credit nor ownership of any supplied media other than my own words.
Thanks John for the answers.
No problem! :-)
Oh I Love this ... thank you for the educational and sharing it all !
Thanks for responding, John. I tend to think it's a matter of hierarchy and enforcement, something like you described with angels manually removing those cast out.
Thank for the answers provided by your research. Truly interesting things discussed here
questions awnsers
Thanks for sharing, I was looking forward to these.