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RE: Antarctica: A Few Wild Thoughts on that Mysterious Place Down South

in #antarctica7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for such a thoughtful entry into the Antarctica writing contest, I love the grand ideas and imagination you present in this piece! And why not talk about it? I'm glad you shared your thoughts here, a place where your ideas are not ridiculed. It's a fascinating topic, I can only hope that there really are earth shattering revelations from the frozen continent in the not so distant future.

edit: Almost forgot, one of my favorite lines was "John Kerry, man in suit", so good.


I appreciate the contest, and the chance to write about these ideas. When I saw the contest outline I thought, 'I have a thing or two to say about this place.' The real trick was keeping it under a thousand words-- I had some of my humor in there that I had to delete in favor of the realism to make the contest rules, probably for the best, as far as making the concepts believable.

Thanks for supporting my article so well, and I will be watching for more from your page, it's my kind of stuff!