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RE: Stand or Sit for the Anthem?

in #anthem7 years ago
  1. There's plenty of evidence that the 'white women can't be raped' is moving into the mainstream within liberal universities. Your anecdotal evidence means nothing. I'm not a right wing extremist but a normal person appalled at the levels of anti white hate I'm finding below the surface of mainstream academia.

  2. Yes and he said other things too and faced no backlash. What about academics wanting to destroy 'whiteness'? To 'bash white men and women' Did you bother to check properly? Are you using snopes to check this?

  3. You're not fooling anyone.

  4. Look up the declaration of independence made by the khoisan two days ago. It confirms what I'm saying. It's a pity I'm having to spoon feed this to you.

  5. After your previous failure to even BOTHER to check, I'll take your apology as read here. How many women and children did Mandela and his wife murder? Ah, but he was a great man and only a right wing extremist would say otherwise.

  6. You're surprised I'm angry at numerous academics calling for white people to be killed? Leftist pundits (Tim Wise) saying there won't be any white people left in 40 years? My son will be 42 in 40 years. How is Tim Wise going to get rid of him? Stop being a smug new age passive aggressive drone. Your 'everything will be alright and I'm enlightened' attitude is what allowed past genocides to happen.


Remember that this conversation started about a debate whether someone has the right to kneel when the American anthem is playing, and somehow you turned it into white genocide.

Let's just agree to disagree shall we?

Also I'll try not to let my apathy trigger another holocaust . .

Peace out.


I remember exactly how the conversation started. I explained the reasoning behind this nonsense. You tried to join in and spammed this whole thread with ill thought out trite banalities.

I always assumed we'd agree to disagree. No one was talking of enforcing agreement.

I wasn't referencing the holocaust. I was referencing the Bolshevik slaughter of 14 million ethnic Russians based primarily on their race.

Though you've probably never heard of that have you? They don't teach it in New Age Libtard College...

Peace Out.

Cool man, let's forget it . . I've just commented on the Steem/Golos chess game, is that still going on?
