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RE: Anthropocene River Journey: The Source

in #anthropocene6 years ago

I've been looking at this post for two days now, and finally stopped what I was doing to read it (bedtime here--1:15 AM). What a reward. How many times did I stop to look up something as I read... Anthropocene, usufurct rights--even cattails. Lo and behold, cattails are what we used to call punks as kids. They were everywhere along swampy ground...but I never knew they were cattails. I don't mind admitting my ignorance, about any of it. I read your blogs not only for the visual beauty they offer and for the charm of your writing, but also for information.
Thank you for giving us another brilliant post.


Thanks for saying all of this. It is nice to know that someone reads and enjoys these posts. I suppose 'cattails' is a term tied to dialect, meaning 'punks' are just as proper of a name for these plants. I found it quite difficult to post while traveling on the river, but I'll do my best to keep some writing flowing in the coming weeks. Thank you for your continued support and for adding to the post through commentary!

When I was a child, my favorite place in all the world was the stream and field I could see from my bedroom window. So your posts are a joy for me. I'll try never to miss one.