The jungian narrative suggests that introverts get their energy from within themselves while extroverts get it from those around them.
From what I've heard Jung has stated, a person who is purely a extrovert/introvert would be in a lunatics asylum. People are both, but people have a preference.
A person has to have awareness of their mind and the outside world together to stay sane.
Jung has defined Introversion/extroversion:
Introversion: One who is a introvert is primarily concerned with the subject (yourself). The real world is the inner-workings of the mind. In theory the introvert processes the world like a mound of clay, objects get molded into the clay leaving a impression. The introvert pays attention to impression the object made on them. The extrovert pays attention to the object primarily and not the impressions.
From what I understand about a "Introvert". (humor me) In theory they have a accounting ledger inside their brains. They need to make sure the ledger is "balanced" eventually. If the ledger is not updated they dont feel connected to the "real world".
Extroversion: One is concerned with the "object". The outside world is the real world.
So, Yes through nature and nurture a person does have a preference for One vs the other. Technology may change our genetics over time to favor introversion. You can have quiet and/or shy extroverts and have boisterous and/or bombastic introverts.
Look into Micheal pierce on Youtube he explains Introvert/extrovert well and check out on Reddit r/MBTI.
We have the preference but we are never one or the other hence the bogus of the terminology.
So the terminology shouldn't be used period?