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RE: DualPost Blacklist - Identifying Steem milkers on Hive

in #anti-abuse5 years ago

freedom of speech.sorry dear @mariannewest, but exactly this - what @arcange did - is

This is his own opinion and he - as a human - might think whatever he like.

If you don't agree with this - this is fine as well, because this is your own opinion.

So, where is the problem, @arcange did not asked anybody for doing the same. Even if he is a witness and even if he did so many positive things for steem and hive - Why not just tolerate his opnion?

Let us all get all our steem out of the dying thing and just don't care. TIme will regulate this sad story.



True Detlev - but he is also in a position of power. He is, what is called on social media, an influencer. And as such, he has responsibilities. He did not just voice an opinion - but he has a call to action.
And I am exercising my freedom of speech that I see this post as an act of bullying.

all fine - your opinion.

I'll respect yours as well as I respect the one from @arcange

It is the very first time that I am told that I am an "influencer" on social media. Really!

If that's true, then this is something that I'm going to have to integrate. It both makes me proud and scares me a bit.

But you are. And it is scary. Because that means that whatever you do is noticed and has consequences. But you have integrity and can handle it :)

Pilloryizing other people than Witness, then having over 15 hive accounts yourself, sorry this has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Now all of a sudden I'm a bad blogger because I posted on Appics and Hive, sorry ....
If you don't want to be my brother, I'll smash your skull in!

Andere Leute an den Pranger stellen, als Witness, dann selber über 15 hive accounts haben, sorry das hat mit freedom of speech nichts zu tun.
Jetzt auf einmal bin ich ein schlechter Blogger weil ich auf Appics und Hive gepostet habe, sorry
Willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, dann hau ich dir den Schädel ein!

The world need more !BEER to be more relaxed.

We have enough shit all around of us the last month.

Hope to see you soon my friend and traveller